World War 2 | War History

WHAT?!! ‘Phantom Ghost Fortress’ B-17 That Landed at an Airfield – NO Crew Were on Board!!

A B-17 Flying Fortress landed perfectly at an RAF airbase and completes the full landing pattern as well. The bomber comes to a full stop;…

Shot Down Over France, Chuck Yeager Evaded Capture for 4 Months and then Flew Into History at the Speed of Sound

Jeff Edwards

If there was ever a man that was hard to sum up in one headline, it might be Chuck Yeager. One could mention how he…

Drone’s Eye View Of Top Gun Aircraft Carrier USS Ranger, On Its Way To Scrapyard

This is video footage shot using a drone that shows the USS Ranger on its way to be scrapped in Brownsville. This is very special…

How The Seven Auschwitz Dwarves Fell Under The Spell Of Dr Death

May 19, 1944 – When Perla Ovitz and her family were lifted off the train shortly after arriving in Auschwitz that fateful Friday; the SS…

The German Officer Who Rescued the ‘Pianist’

Sometimes, things aren’t always so black and white. Take the Nazi officer who ran a concentration camp in Poland. Who would ever have thought that he’d…

Black Sheep One: Marine Fighter Ace With 26 Kills -Gregory “Pappy” Boyington

Gregory Boyington would often muse that during his 20 months as a Japanese POW his health actually improved due to the forced sobriety. Affectionately known…

10 Interesting Facts About Douglas MacArthur That You Might Not Know

Douglas MacArthur, born on 26 January 1880 was an American five-star general and Field Marshal of the Philippine Army. He was Chief of Staff of…

Otto Rahn, openly gay, secretly anti-Nazi, Joined The SS In Search For The Holy Grail and Became The Inspiration For Indiana Jones

Otto Wilhelm Rahn was a German writer and medievalist who was obsessed with finding the Holy Grail. This was the cup that Jesus supposedly drank…

MoH: Private Towle of the 82nd Airborne Stopped a German Armored Counter Attack in Holland with a Bazooka

Many might hold the common assumption that in the battle of man versus tank, heavy armor is sure to win.  However, students of the history…

The Incredible Story of Joseph Beyrle, the Only American to fight for both the U.S. and Russian Army in WWII

For much of the last 70 years, someone who fought for both America and Russia might bring to mind some Cold War espionage, a double…

League of German Girls, the Nazi Organisation To Teach Girls Their Duties As Bearers Of Aryan Heirs (Pictures)

The League of German Girls, in German; Bund Deutscher Mädel, or BDM was the girls’ wing of the Nazi Party youth movement. It was founded…

Overrated or the Only Man for the Job? The Meteoric Rise of General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Speaking of Eisenhower, Field Marshal Lord Montgomery once said “nice chap, no general.”  General George Patton once lamented that it was too bad that Eisenhower…