World War 2 | War History

The MASSIVE 60cm German Siege Mortar Karl

During World War 2, the Germans were famous for designing and producing mega war artillery. One of the most notable German Mortar Guns was the…

Inside the Jagdpanther by World of Tanks


We return to you from The Tank Museum in Bovington, England with a new episode of “Inside the Tanks”. Our military specialist, Richard “The_Challenger” Cutland,…

He Parachuted Out Of His Crippled B-24 Then Killed The Enemy Pilot With A Head Shot From A Pistol

The following story may or may not be true, but the US Army Air Force (USAAF) believes it is. It is about a man who…

Part 2: The Best Tank of WWII. (I disagree, but I explain why) by World of Tanks


    Nicholas Moran continues his tour of the most interesting tanks. This time, he came to…Russia! Why? To finally tell us about a Soviet…

Top 5 Strangest Photos of World War II (Watch)

We present you the top 5 strangest photos from World War II, with their stories! We will take a look at beer bombing Spitfires that…

Hoax!! Mary Brown Was Chosen to Donate Her Hair to Become the Crosshairs on Norden Bombsights

Editor’s notice: this has been debunked as one of the urban myths of WWII Before the time of computers and lasers, or even radar, aerial…

10 Myths about the Nazis

Many myths have grown up around the infamous Nazi Party which led Germany into war, and plunged the world into global conflict. Some of these…

DID YOU KNOW ABOUT General Taylor’s Secret Mission To Occupied Rome in 1943

General Tylor’s diplomatic and language skills resulted in his secret mission to Rome to coordinate an 82nd Airborne para drop with Italian forces. General Dwight…

The 4 Worst Mistakes Of The Axis Powers During WWII

Looking back at WWII there have been four decisions made that, in the end,  did not work out to the Axis advantage. Of course, you…

Japanese World War Two veteran warns of evil of war

A6M3 Model 22, over the Solomon Islands, 1943 A Japanese World War Two veteran has told how the world can’t forget the horror of war.…

Amazing Facts About The Junkers Ju-87 Stuka

The Stuka got its nickname from the German word Sturzkampfflugzeug or dive-bomber, the official designation was Junkers Ju-87. The first plane prototype Stuka flew in…

Nazis Killed Her Husband, She Bought & Drove a T-34 & Then Went On a Rampage

They say that “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” But if you take her love away, it gets a helluva lot worse –…