World War 2 | War History

Now Abandoned, How a Mine in Greenland Helped the Allies Win

Cryolite is a mineral used in the aluminium making process, which was incredibly important in the production of planes for the Allied Forces. On the…

Stug III Recovered From The Seabed

There are more Stug IIIs down there. A dangerous underwater mission to clear unexploded ordnance from the seabed and preserve an historical military heritage site…

The Spellbinding Wheatcroft Collection, an Update

The Wheatcroft Collection in the United Kingdom is a large and important collection of historical softskin and armoured military vehicles. It is one of the largest…

Lancaster Restoration ‘Just Jane’ Update

Lancaster bomber NX611 ‘Just Jane. An update from the fantastic restoration work being undertaken of this historic plane. We have removed three propellers from NX611.…

He served in U.S. Navy in late WWII, recalled to service in Korean War

Korean War war veteran Paul Hofius possesses an impressive family legacy of military service dating back to the Revolutionary War and including later conflicts such…

One of Last 3 Remaining Survivors of USS Arizona Passes Away

Ian Harvey

On February 15, one of the last three remaining sailors to survive the sinking of the USS Arizona passed away. Donald Stratton was 97 years…

The Crew – Review by Mark Barnes

There have been many great books devoted to the life of RAF Bomber Command in World War II and finding a device to cover what…

Shutter Island Movie, DiCaprio Character Was WWII Vet Suffering With PTSD

Shutter Island: Martin Scorsese is one of America’s foremost movie directors with awards including an Oscar for the film ‘The Departed’ made over ten years…

Stug III – Review by Mark Barnes

Stug III: Author Mark Healy produced one of the finest books in the Haynes catalogue with his T-34 manual which appeared a few years back.…

US WWII bombers Found After 76 Years in Truk Lagoon

Project Recover has once again found the wreckage of several US planes in Truk Lagoon that were lost during World War II and given the…

Al Pacino: Dirty Dozen-Style Squad to Rid the US of the Fourth Reich

Al Pacino: The family stories we hear growing up shape our choices later in life and for some these personal accounts can give fruit to…

For Sale: Your Chance to Own an Aviation Legend


During 1968, ‘Connie’ Edwards and additional members of the Confederate Air Force (as it was known then) visited Europe to purchase surplus military aviation (Warbirds),…