World War 2 | War History

“Mad Jack”: The Man Who Captured 40 Germans With a Sword & Longbow

Lieutenant Colonel John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming Churchill managed to capture more than 40 Germans in one single raid during World War Two. Most soldiers and…

When British & African-American Soldiers Rioted Against Racist US Military Police

George Orwell remarked that “the general consensus of opinion is that the only American soldiers with any manners are the Negroes.” Allied military bases were…

The Master German Interrogator who Used Country Walks & Home Baked Cakes!

A prisoner once quipped Hanns Scharff “could get a confession of infidelity from a Nun.” His wife’s freshly baked pastries and cookies, and pleasant strolls…

With 1,600 Planes & 17,000 Troops: One of the Largest Airborne Operations Ever

They had difficulty rallying due to poor visibility, and came under heavy small-arms fire, artillery fire, and mortars. The Second World War was going well…

Britain’s Quest For a Death-Ray That Could Terminate a Sheep at 100 Yards!

The Ministry offered £1000 pounds – a decent sum in the 1930s – to anyone who could invent a beam that could terminate a sheep…

The Home Guard: The Real Story Behind Britain’s WWII Dad’s Army

Over the course of the war, the Home Guard would gradually become a better equipped and better-trained army of 1.7 million men. The image of…

The Cavalry who Charged The Russians With Grenades & Swords

In addition to their sabers, they also carried a more modern armament: hand grenades. Also, the regiment had a squadron with machine guns. From the…

Operation Barbarossa & Bagging German Army Group Center

By now the Germans had advanced nearly 200 miles into the Soviet Union’s territory and they were just a third of the way to Moscow.…

The Savior Of Ceylon: The Pilot who Stopped a Repeat of Pearl Harbor

Jay Hemmings

He was transferred to a POW work camp that had been erected in a baseball stadium. The conditions in the camp were harsh and the…

Polish Diplomat Recognized for Saving Hundreds of Jews in WWII

The Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem has announced that Konstanty Rokicki will be honored as Righteous Among the Nations for his work during World War…

Germany’s Mega Structures: A Berlin Flak Tower Through the Eyes of a Soldier

Jonny Bay

The structures were indeed massive—in some areas the walls were nearly 7 feet thick and reinforced with steel. An unprecedented find was uncovered recently in…

Churchills Toyshop: The Bowl of Porridge & a Condom Full of Aniseed Balls That Sank Japanese Ships

When World War Two started in 1939, the British Army was significantly behind their German counterparts. Their tactics and especially their armament and equipment were…