World War 2 | War History

The Savior Of Ceylon: The Pilot who Stopped a Repeat of Pearl Harbor

Jay Hemmings

He was transferred to a POW work camp that had been erected in a baseball stadium. The conditions in the camp were harsh and the…

Polish Diplomat Recognized for Saving Hundreds of Jews in WWII

The Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem has announced that Konstanty Rokicki will be honored as Righteous Among the Nations for his work during World War…

Germany’s Mega Structures: A Berlin Flak Tower Through the Eyes of a Soldier

Jonny Bay

The structures were indeed massive—in some areas the walls were nearly 7 feet thick and reinforced with steel. An unprecedented find was uncovered recently in…

Churchills Toyshop: The Bowl of Porridge & a Condom Full of Aniseed Balls That Sank Japanese Ships

When World War Two started in 1939, the British Army was significantly behind their German counterparts. Their tactics and especially their armament and equipment were…

Knights of the Desert: The Myth Behind the Deutsche Afrika Korps

On November 2, 1942, British and Commonwealth troops broke through the German lines, heralding a climactic moment in the Second Battle of El Alamein. Heroic…

Remy Van Lierde: The WWII Air Ace Whose Helicopter Was Attacked By the World’s Largest Snake

Desert landscape + Cobra with its mouth open + Bristol Sycamore Type 171

Col. Remy Van Lierde would be worth studying for his incredible military exploits alone – the fact he claimed later in life to have encountered…

The Fuhrer: The Opposite of the Super-Human He Longed For

One of the cornerstones of German Nazi mythos was the idea of the Übermensch – a superior human being who was a model of physical…

Saving Private Ryan Back in Theatres for D-Day 2019

There are plenty of unique activities going on in Britain, France, and all over the world to commemorate the upcoming 75th anniversary of D-Day on…

Oskar Schindler Letter Among WWII Memorabilia to be Auctioned in April

There is also an extremely rare letter from industrialist Oskar Schindler, the man who put his own life at risk by rescuing hundreds of Jews…

The Battle of Stalingrad in 30 Photos

The battle commenced in August 1942 and finally ended in February 1943 when the last of the German forces surrendered. Hailed as the single largest…

Amazing Photographs of WWII-era Submarine Pens

For the construction of the pens in Hamburg (designated as the Elbe I and Elbe II) some 1,700 prisoners were used as forced labor. While…

Notre Dame, Charles de Gaulle and the Liberation of Paris

Barring destroying or capturing German troops near or in the capital, “Ike” hoped the Germans would retreat beyond the City of Light and leave the…