The most numerous tank used by the U.S. and the Allies during World War II was the M4 Sherman. The British named the tank after the American Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman.
Despite the fact that they were outclassed by the medium and heavy tanks of Nazi Germany late in the war, the M4 Sherman proved to be cheaper to produce, very reliable, and available in large numbers. Many thousands were distributed through the Lend-Lease program to the Soviet Union and the Britsh and her Commonwealth nations.
We have collected these 30 action shots of Sherman tanks during WWII, enjoy!

French M4 Sherman Advancing with Infantry, Belfort 20 November 1944
M4 Sherman of the 3rd Armored Division Crossing Dragons Teeth of Siegfried Line, September 1944 Roeten
M4 Sherman Tanks, Phillipines 1945
US Army 40th Inf GI’s and M4 Sherman tank towards Bago River bridge, Negros 1945
3rd Armored Division M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo Tank and 83rd Infantry in Lierneux, Belgium, 1945
M4 Sherman and troops Advance on Japanese Pillbox at Orote Point, Guam
3rd Marine Division Troops and M4 Sherman Tank Moves thru Agana, Guam
M4 Sherman “Lucky Legs II” Bougainville March 16, 1944. Tank supporting 37th Inf Division.
M4A3(76)W Sherman of 14th Armored Division, Rittershofen, Germany, 1945
Marines Follow M4A1 Sherman tank #7, Cape Gloucester, Papua New Ginuea
M4A2 Sherman of company A, 1st Tank Battalion Advancing on Peleliu, 1944
USMC M4 Sherman tank #4 Doot It, Guam, 1944
M32B1 ARV of 6th Armored Division, Bastogne, 14 January 1945
M36 Tank Destroyer Recaptures M4A3(76) from Germans in Aschaffenburg 1945
M4 Sherman named “Comin’ Home” – US Army 40th Infantry GIs bathing
M4A1(76) Sherman Tank with hedgerow cutters in Pont Herbert, Normandy
M4 Sherman of the 751st Tank Battalion Moves Inland from Nettuno Invasion Beach, January 1944
M4 Sherman Tank Heavily Camouflaged
M4 Sherman Tank with Concrete Armor
HQ 13th/18th Royal Hussars M4 Sherman Tank Balaclava in Action near Ranville, 10 June 1944.
M4 Sherman Tank and M3A1 Halftrack, 1942
M4 Sherman tanks Equipment for Battle coming ashore – 4th tank battalion Marines, Iwo Jima, 3 February 1945
Long row of M4A3(76) W Sherman HVSS tanks enter Eichstatt, Germany, 25 April 1945. Shermans of the 25th Tank Battalion, 14th Armored Division.
US M4 Sherman Tanks during the Battle of the Bulge, January 1945
M4 Sherman tank in Cologne, 1945
Gen George Marshall inspects troops and M4 Sherman 76 tanks of the US 2nd Armored Division near Berlin, 1945
M4 Sherman tanks advancing towards the cathedral in Cologne, 1945
US 11th Armored Division Sherman Tanks during Maneuvers, 1944
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