Do you want to buy a Tiger? Or a replica, anyway. Here’s your chance! These gentlemen have made a replica and are selling it for “meager” sum of 380k Euros.
The tank has a working turret that is rotated electronically, the gun fires pyrotec charges, and the gun moves when fired, the tank comes with a 240 horsepower Diesel engine, but a stronger engine can be fitted on request.
The first one was built in a shed for the movie “White Tiger” but by the looks of it, they have done an amazing job. Have a look at the images below and at the end you can see a video of it in action.
It takes just 9 months to be completed so if you are quick you can drive around in it before the year is out!
This tank looks scary!
Gun mantle
Want to see how they build it? Click here for more pictures!