Lethal Trio of Female Spies Whose Job Was to Seduce German Soldiers

“the Germans were banging on the doors with the butts of their rifles…. And they would always yell – it was very frightening.” When it…

He Continued to Play Despite Breaking his Neck: From Fallschirmjäger To English Soccer Hero

n 1942, after a few months of fighting, only 300 of the original 1,000 men of Trautmann’s unit were still alive. When American soldiers captured…

The English Longbow: Machine Gun Of The Medieval Era

Jay Hemmings

The heavy war arrows used by English longbowmen were able to penetrate leather and cloth armor, iron plate armor, and even some types of steel…

From Conscientious Objector To Medal Of Honor War Hero

Jay Hemmings

York’s battalion was charged with capturing a number of German machine gun positions situated on the other side of a valley. Rare is the pacifist…

The VC Sergeant: He Charged the Enemy Armed Only With a Pocket Full of Grenades

Ian Harvey

“It is entirely fitting and in keeping with his wishes that our family should inter his ashes at the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea,…

Guns in Movies and Television: The Best & Worst

Steve MacGregor

In the movie Heat (1995), former SAS member Andy McNab was brought in to advise on weapon choices and train the actors how to use…

Whittling Time Away: Trench Art of WWI

Ostensibly, artillery shells were supposed to be recycled, but their use as an artistic material kept their reuse for war efforts minimal. The scale of…

WWI And The Paranormal: Spooky Tales From The Trenches

Jay Hemmings

Certainly, men who were rendered insane by shellshock sometimes wandered aimlessly about No Man’s Land, screaming incoherently or moaning. Whether you’re a believer in the…

The Zippo Lighter: An Icon Of The Vietnam War

Jay Hemmings

After an American M1 combat helmet with an ace of spades tucked into the strap, probably the next most iconic cultural image associated with the…

Ypres: The Last Post at the Menin Gate

Philip Hodges

Ieper, Ypres, or “Wipers” as it was nicknamed—I’ve been to the Belgian town dozens of times before. I can even remember my first visit here…

Schindler’s List “Girl in the Red Coat” was Left Traumatized After Watching Herself in the Spielberg Movie

Most of us have seen the iconic movie Schindler’s List, produced and directed by the famous filmmaker Steven Spielberg. Without a doubt the scenes, oftentimes…

No Artillery Support and a Casualty Rate of 75%: The Australians at Bullecourt WWI

Robert East

Gough ordered 12 British tanks to precede the Australian advance, but many of them were either hit by German artillery of simply broke down. In…