The Legend of Black Caesar: The Pirate who Buried $6 Million Worth of Gold

Claudia Mendes

Henri Caesar is said to have buried between $2 million and $6 million in treasure across several islands in the area. At the height of…

When 22 British Marines Held off a Superior Argentine Invasion Force & a Naval Corvette

Christian Oord

“We legged it and then took out the Puma that was trying to land combat troops. That was like a gift.” That was how Section…

Victoria Cross Hero’s WWI Airplane Propeller Found Under A Bed!

Ian Harvey

Von Richthofen also crashed in the incident but survived, allowing German propaganda to suggest he had shot down one of Britain’s most beloved fighter pilots.…

Blowin’ in the Wind: Top Protest Songs from 1939 – 1969

Eileen Farrelly

Protest and anti-war songs were a big part of the culture of the 1960s. While many great protest songs were written before and after, the…

A Damn Good Lickin: When the Aussies Fought off an American Invasion

Other American GIs were assaulted randomly throughout the night as well. The Red Cross Club was again under siege. Official reports vary and the U.S.…

The Ghosts of Gettysburg: A Haunted History of a Battlefield

According to witnesses and researchers, paranormal activity is stronger in Gettysburg than anywhere else. It even has phantom perfumes! Gettysburg is a small town in…

Flying Coffins! – The Top Ten Worst Aircraft of WWII

With a high speed of 596 mph and a climb rate of 11,810 ft per minute, the Komet was considered a technological marvel. Making a…

The Guns of Star Wars: Science Fact or Fiction?

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, CGI was still in its infancy, and if you wanted cheap props for a science-fiction…

The Condom-An Unlikely War Necessity

Jay Hemmings

They came in tins with rather amusing names and packaging: Sheikh, Saxon, Peacock, Ramses and other exotic-sounding names. Few items are as ubiquitous these days…

Hope For The Best And Prepare For The Worst: War-Survivalists Through History

Rationing of food and goods by civilians allowed the armies to receive desperately needed supplies. For as long as humans have gone to war or…

Why Did The US Dump $10 Million Worth of Helicopters in The Sea?

During the operation, 1,373 Americans and 5,595 citizens of Vietnam and other countries were evacuated with the help of helicopters. On April 29, 1975, a…

Francis the Talking Mule: A Soldier Turns Author

“One night I was sitting looking at a blank, unpainted wall. To pass the time I wrote four pages of dialogue between a second lieutenant…