Fuel Tanks Empty, He Engaged The German, Shot Him Down & Somehow He Managed To Get Back to Base

When, on a fateful night, Jack Adams saw an aircraft belonging to the enemy, he had no idea that his choice to go after it…

The Plan Called For 1000 Steamships, The War Ended & They Were Left to Rot

During World War I. When the United States joined the Entente in 1917, it needed soldiers and supplies in large numbers quickly. Though mustering men…

Lucky Escape for Scottish Fisherman Who Finds WWII Depth Charge in Net

Ian Harvey

Glenn Gallagher was fishing for prawns in his boat, The Two Boys, just days before Christmas 2018 when he felt something heavier than normal in…

Landed ‘Blind’: Shots Devastated the Hurricane’s Perspex Canopy, Throwing Splinters of Perspex Into His Eyes

His flying career reached its end just three years after he joined the Royal Auxiliary Air Force (RAuxAF). But the events surrounding his fate, and…

Dreyse Needle-Gun: The Rifle That Won the Austro-Prussian War and Gave Birth to the German Nation

Painting of the Battle of Königgrätz + Dreyse needle-gun

History runs its course, but, sometimes, there are things that push said course in a specific direction. There are examples from the past of how…

How German Intelligence Agents Managed To Unearth A Ton Of Information From POWs

Jay Hemmings

Alexander Jefferson of the United States Army Air Forces was flying a P-51 Mustang over Toulouse, France, in August 1944. It was by no means…

Who was this notorious & mysterious SS general, he just vanished in May ’45

Hans Kammler was a very senior member of the SS with a history of involvement in war crimes. When World War II ended, Kammler disappeared,…

Bombardier’s Bracelet is Found in The Ash Pit of a Concentration Camp, 74 Years After he Was Executed

Ian Harvey

Many stories from the camps of World War II survive through objects that have endured long since the war.  Those tales are as varied –…

Shot Down But Stayed in His Plane to Save Crashing On a Village

Morgan Deane

The Battle of Britain wasn’t a battle fought with soldiers in trenches or tanks. Instead, it consisted of repeated fighter plane engagements between the desperate…

B-24 Pilot Saved 1000’s of POWS But Never Said a Word About His Wartime Heroism

Jay Hemmings

The loss of life and the destruction caused by conflict is one of the greatest tragedies of war. A more personal tragedy is that many…

Dunkirk Hero Who Helped Make Oscar-Winning Movie Dies Aged 98

Ian Harvey

Arthur Taylor lied about his age in order to join the Territorial Army in 1936. At the outbreak of World War Two, he signed on…

During the Draft in America, how did they choose who went to which branch and did what job?

Claudia Mendes

The draft was never popular, but during WWII it was deemed necessary. When the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 was signed by President…