Easy Company Facts Even Hardcore Fans of ‘Band of Brothers’ Don’t Know

'Band of Brothers' still.

HBO’s 2001 miniseries, Band of Brothers, has continued to gain popularity in the decades since its release. This is partly due to later generations having…

The Viet Cong Used German WWII Weapons Against the USA – Great Pictures in Here

When the United States entered the war in Vietnam, the country’s political situation had already been extremely complicated. What started out as an anti-colonial conflict…

Test Your Movie I.Q.! The Little Glitches In Saving Private Ryan

Jeremy Lyons

Saving Private Ryan is considered more than just one of director Steven Spielberg’s best films. Many critics and moviegoers alike rank it as one of…

Dahomey Amazons – The Only Elite All-female Warrior Regiments

Ruslan Budnik

“War does not have a woman’s face,” but delving into the pages of history, we realize that this is not a true sentiment. In different epochs…

Man Finds German WWII Bomber Buried on UK Beach

Ian Harvey

Chris Gleadell of Sheringham, UK, made a unique discovery when he nearly tripped over some metal parts sticking out of the sand of a Norfolk…

Great Blunders of WW2 – One Happened Twice

When discussing the outcome of World War II, much is made of Axis mistakes. From Hitler’s launch of Operation Barbarossa to Japan’s failure to destroy…

Armored Warfare: Announcing the Global Server Launch

Commanders! Today marks the third anniversary of the Armored Warfare launch and, on top of celebrating this important milestone with bonuses and great deals, we’d…

Did You Know World War I Dragged On Even After the Armistice Was Signed?

Painting depicting the signing of the Armistice that put an end to World War I

The end of the Great War wasn’t the slam dunk history books and popular culture imply. The Allies wanted more from Germany than mere defeat:…

Hollywood Blockbuster ‘Midway’ Starring Woody Harrelson to Begin Filming

German film director Roland Emmerich, who previously directed such films as “Independence Day” and “The Patriot,” is preparing to begin filming a remake of the…

Clever People:How Jets Evolved In Less Than A Century

Jeremy Lyons

It’s hard to imagine today, but about one hundred years ago, airplanes were a brand new mode of transportation. No one had even imagined that…

Buried by Germans Now 82nd AB paratrooper to be buried in Pennsylvania

74 years ago, during World War II, a young American soldier named Willard “Bud” Jenkins was serving his country in the Netherlands when he was…

17-year-old Girl who was Awarded the Title of “Fallen Revolutionary”

Ruslan Budnik

Galina Dubeeva or Galya Zhang, was a Soviet military interpreter who died heroically in 1945 at the hands of Japanese militarists during the Soviet-Japanese war.…