The Maginot Line Mostly Worked the Way it was Expected to & Great Footage in Here Too

The moment the Germans entered Belgium, the plan was for the French (and hopefully British) to move in and fight them there and the Maginot…

Arthur Ashe’s Brother Did 2nd Tour in Vietnam so he Could be a Tennis Legend

Ian Harvey

During the spring of 1967, Army Second Lieutenant Arthur Ashe was practicing his tennis skills. He was a talented amateur player who was considered a…

Hypersonic Missile Test by China Successful: Next Generation Tech

Ian Harvey

It looks like the beginning of a new arms race after China has made a bid to leap ahead in weapons technology, trialing a new…

“Vostok” – Video of Russia’s Largest Ever Military Drills

Ian Harvey

Russia’s biggest ever military drills began on September 11, 2018, and continued through the 17th. Featuring Chinese and Mongolian armies, the drills took place in…

Two New Operations Manuals From Haynes Publishing

Mark Barnes

If you find yourself in Green Park when on a visit to London you will should see the imposing Bomber Command memorial that was unveiled…

Crazy! Video – Pilot Lands Damaged A-6 on Carrier with Navigator Partially Ejected

David Baker

It’s hard to imagine the guts, skill, and talent it takes to smoothly take off or land an aircraft. But it takes a particular kind…

26 Sad Images of WWII Airplane Graveyards & Storage Sites

Joris Nieuwint

These are very sad images of now priceless, warbirds that were left to rot outside to be recycled later. During and after WWII, crash landed and…

I’ve Been SLIMED! – U.S. Navy Replicating Hagfish Slime for Defense

Ian Harvey

Hagfish have an interesting method to avoid being eaten. When threatened, they can exude a slime that fills the mouths and gills of their attacker.…

War Crime? Utah Camp Guard Opened Fire on German POWs After War was Over

Jeremy Lyons

Prisoners of war come part and parcel with the human institution of warfare.  If an enemy combatant surrenders, he (or she) is to be accorded…

Panzer Hunters – Soviet Anti-tank Guns of WWII with Photos

Soviet anti-tank guns played a crucial role in confronting German equipment on the Eastern Front of the Second World War, called the Great Patriotic War…

If the Cold War Went Hot, the Skies of WW3 Would Look Like This

Benjamin Roy

The Cold War wasn’t really a “war,” but an intense era of conflict between Russia and the USA that lasted nearly 50 years.  Yet, there…

Best Field Marshall of WW2? Montgomery in Video & 33 Pictures

Monty, or the “Spartan General” as he was nicknamed, was described as a man with no diplomacy skills due to his directness. However, he remains…