WWII Re-enactors required for December 2018 filming in Normandy.
GoButtonMedia a leading Canadian Film Company are seeking WWII Wehrmacht and Ranger re-enactors – preferably with prior filming experience – who are available as a group to film in December 2018, in Normandy.
Maisy Battery was one of the largest German defensive positions in the American landing area on D-day. It had the role of defending the coast behind the western end of Omaha Sector and at the southern edge of Utah Sector. Today, it is open to the public after being buried for over 60 years and you can walk through over 2 miles of original German trenches. You can go into bunker after bunker as you walk around this astonishing site.
The site is continually being developed as it was completely buried at the end of the war, until it was uncovered in 2006. Each year more and more of the original trenches and bunkers are being restored.
The Maisy Battery played a crucial part in the events of D-Day. The German Army had built Maisy in total secrecy, whilst letting the world know all about the nearby battery at Pointe du Hoc, a position that was under construction on D-Day.
The battle at Maisy – and even the location of the battery itself – were lost amidst the 60 year Top Secrecy laws of the US and Great Britain.
That was until a map was found in a veteran’s pair of trousers and it started a search for the missing positions. When questions were asked about Maisy, Ranger veterans started to open up about their knowledge of the battle.

Producer/ Director Daniel Oron stated “each re-enactor needs to have a full and accurate Wehrmacht / RANGERS uniform and their own personal equipment – plus a deactivated or airsoft (non firing) period correct weapon.

The filming will also require age appropriate soldiers for the RANGERS and mixed age groups for the Wehrmacht. And if possible, the ability to provide other equipment to be used for indoor WW2 bunker scenes. Ammo boxes, etc. etc. Additionally period correct vehicles are welcome as well.”
The filming will take place at the Maisy Coastal Defence Batteries in Calvados.
Anyone interested in taking part is requested to send photographs of themselves in uniform and/or pictures of their group to – snb@gobuttonmedia.com
Please provide your name name, age and contact information. The Production Manager will then contact the most suitable candidates to discuss their roles in more detail.