Can You Name the 10 Most Fearsome Military Units in All of History?

Photo Credit: 1. RootOfAllLight / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 2. / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

At the heart of every conflict are multiple factors, encompassing intimidation, collaboration, and skill. Over the course of time, the most dominant military forces have melded these qualities with unyielding aggression to vanquish their foes. The following list shows why facing these groups in combat presented a difficult challenge for almost all of their opponents.

Winged Hussars

Winged Hussars in formation during the Battle of Klushino, 1610. (Photo Credit: Szymon Boguszowicz / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

The Winged Hussars served Poland and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for two centuries, formally disbanding in 1776. Originating as a cavalry force mainly composed of exiled Balkan warriors, this formidable military unit gained renown for its diverse arsenal of weapons (including pistols, lances, maces, etc.) and deadly war tactics.

Distinguished by their large rear wings, the Winged Hussars employed shock tactics in battles against Russian, Swedish and Ottoman forces. Their most renowned engagement was the Siege of Vienna in 1683, during the Ottoman-Habsburg Wars. Teaming up with troops from the Holy Roman Empire, they led history’s largest cavalry charge against some 150,000 Ottoman soldiers. Despite being vastly outnumbered, the Hussars executed a successful charge, repelling the enemy forces.

A parallel display of their prowess unfolded during the Battle of Hodów in 1694, where 100 Winged Hussars and 300 Towarzysz pancerny confronted 40,000 Tatar soldiers. Withstanding repeated attacks over about six hours, the Polish forces defied calls to surrender. Ultimately, the Tatars retreated, securing an extraordinary victory for the Hussars.


Janissaries fighting the Knights Hospitaller during the Siege of Rhodes, 1522. (Photo Credit: Fethullah Çelebi Arifi / Matrakçı Nasuh / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

Initially, the Janissaries comprised soldiers from territories conquered by the Ottoman Empire, emerging as the premier standing army following the Fall of the Roman Empire. Drafted as youths, they converted to Islam and were barred from marriage until reaching the age of 40. Renowned for their unity, morale and formidable tactics, they evolved over time, permitting individuals to secure entry through financial means, thereby enhancing their family’s prestige and wealth, as they received salaries.

Proficient archers, the Janissaries seamlessly incorporated firearms into their arsenal upon their advent. Led by the Sultan, who harbored a degree of apprehension toward them, they featured prominently in pivotal Ottoman conflicts, notably the 1453 Fall of Constantinople and the 1516-17 Ottoman-Mamluk War. Their primary battlefield objective was safeguarding the Sultan, with their ranks comprising specialized teams encompassing engineers, technicians, sappers, explosives experts and sharpshooters.

In continuous service since 1363, the Janissaries disbanded in 1826, leaving an indelible mark as one of history’s most formidable military entities.


The Landsknechts were founded by Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor and Georg von Frundsberg. (Photo Credit: Karl von Blaas / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

While the Landsknechts originated in Germany and comprised the bulk of the Holy Roman Empire’s Imperial Army, their services were not limited to the German Army alone. These heavily armed and exceptionally disciplined mercenaries were available for hire to anyone able to afford their fees, rendering their allegiance to the highest bidder.

Coming about during a period when European nations were adopting a military structure akin to that of the Swiss Pikemen, the Landsknechts mimicked many of their tactics. However, their distinctiveness lay in the size of their pikes, which historians have noted as being the longest ever recorded.

Throughout the Early Modern Period, the Landsknechts participated in numerous battles. They famously captured King Francis I of France during the Battle of Pavia in 1525, repelled the Ottomans during the 1529 Siege of Vienna and were notably involved in the Sacking of Rome in 1527.


Fallschirmjäger paratroopers preparing to be flown to Greece, 1943. (Photo Credit: Bundesarchiv, Bild / Bauer / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

The Fallschirmjäger sound like a group from Norse mythology and there’s a reason for that. The Führer often tried to connect German forces to myths. The Luftwaffe branch was an elite group of paratroopers that operated during the Second World War, and they were without a doubt one of the most fearsome military units of the conflict.

The Fallschirmjäger‘s first operation was during the German invasion of Poland in September 1939, and its members were also dropped in during the Battle of the Netherlands and the Norwegian Campaign. On the Eastern front, they took on the Red Army during the Siege of Sevastopol, while on the west they were credited with the rescue of Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini in 1943.

Their most famous moment, however, occurred in May 1940, when they took Fort Eben-Emael in what was the world’s first ever gliderborne attack. Despite the supposed “strongest fortress in Europe” being manned by 1,200 Belgian troops, 493 German soldiers took the structure and forced the French and British to withdraw from the Belgian interior. It also allowed the Germans to push the Allies back to Dunkirk.


Carolean artillerymen. (Photo Credit: Emil Åberg / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

In 1860, Swedish King Charles XI undertook a significant overhaul of his military forces. This involved implementing an allotment system, where farmers were required to give troops and arms. The outcome was the creation of a large and highly disciplined fighting force.

Renown for their prowess in battle, the Caroleans consistently defeated larger armies. They were skilled musketeers, grenadiers and swordsmen who employed agressive tactics in combat. Termed gå-på, these methods caused a psychological impact on enemies, often causing them to become uneasy even before physical combat started – some even fled before fighting could start.

However, during the reign of Charles XII, the fortunes of the Caroleans changed. During the Great Northern War of 1700-21, Swedish forces suffered significant losses at the hands of the predominantly Russian Army, essentially decimating their ranks.

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Italian Arditi shock troops often killed enemy combatants with daggers. (Photo Credit: Unknown Serviceman of the Regio Esercito – Ministero Della Difesa-Esercito / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

The Arditi are without a doubt one of the most fearsome military units from the First World War – and it’s not just because they had a reputation for being “the most feared corps” by the armies they fought against. Similar to the German Sturmtruppen, this elite group of Italians served as shock troops, and were selected for their fierce nature and bravery in battle.

The Arditi were tasked with invading enemy trenches, to prepare the path for an infantry advance. Trained in fencing and hand-to-hand combat, they would often kill enemy soldiers with daggers and hand grenades, and won a number of engagements during the three years they operated. Typically, the last thing their opponents saw was a dagger clenched between the Arditis‘ teeth, ready to be plunged into them.

Of all the offensives the Arditi participated in, their biggest success came during the Battle of Vittorio Veneto, where they broke through the river Piave and allowed for a final victory against the Austrian forces. The unit was disbanded a few years after the war, but today’s frogmen are seen as their successors.

Swiss Pikemen

15th Century depiction of Swiss Pikemen (Photo Credits: Unknown author/ Diebold Schilling amtliche Chronik/ Wikimedia Commons/ Public domain)

Considered the most fearsome group of medieval mercenaries, Swiss Pikemen are definitely not out of place on this list of military units. Their history dates back to the 1300s, when Switzerland split from the Holy Roman Empire and its cantons declared the Swiss Confederacy. They made a name for themselves with the defeat of the forces under Leopold I, Duke of Austria during the Battle of Morgarten, and were soon regarded as some of the fiercest fighters in Europe.

The key to the Swiss Pikemen’s success was their tactic to keep advancing, regardless of what they came up against. They approached battle in columns, which consisted of pikemen, halberdiers and double-handed swordsmen. One of their most famous engagements was against the Habsburg monarchy and King Louis XI of France, when 1,200-1,600 pikemen took on 30,000 enemy troops. They lost the engagement, but the battle forced Louis to call off his invasion.

While the mercenaries became obsolete with the advent of gunpowder and other advances, one unit still exists: the Vatican’s Swiss Guard. However, unlike in the Middle Ages, they serve a more ceremonial role.

Sacred Band of Thebes

March of the Spartan Army during the Battle of Leuctra, 371 BC. (Photo Credit: Ward – The Illustrated History of the World / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

The Sacred Band of Thebes is one of the older and more non-traditional groups on this list. The 300 men that made up this fearsome military unit were chosen based on skill and merit, and their roster was made up of 150 pairs of male lovers.

Once the Thebans hit the battlefield, they achieved significant success. Their most famous battle was at Leuctra in 371 BC, where they helped defeat the Spartans, ending years of domination. Prior to that, they took part in the Battle of Tegyra, when 300 infantrymen and 200 cavalrymen took on between 1,000-1,800 Spartans. They won the engagement, marking the first time the Spartans had been defeated by a numerically inferior enemy.

The Sacred Band’s time came to an end in 338 BC, when they were defeated by Philip II of Macedon’s forces during the Battle of Chaeronea. The King was assassinated two years later.

Welsh longbowmen

Welsh Bowman, 13th century. (Photo Credit: National Archives / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

The longbow was first used by the English and Welsh starting in the 14th century, and can trace its origins to the Welsh bow. Upon its introduction, it didn’t take long for the weapon to become an effective tool against opposing armies. The dominant period for the Welsh longbowmen took place between 1250-1450, until the longbow’s use tapered off with improvements in technology.

Welsh longbowmen were highly skilled, and while their training was largely non-existent at the beginning, they did receive better instruction as the quality of medieval armor improved. An arrow shot from a skilled longbowmen could easily puncture steel from a distance.

The Welshmen who wielded longbows saw great success during the Middle Ages. They won a number of battles during the Hundred Years’ War, with their most famous engagement during the conflict being the Battle of Agincourt, when between 6,000-9,000 soldiers, the majority longbowmen, fought against 20,000-30,000 Frenchmen. When all was said and done, the English and Welsh forces were victorious, inflicting 6,000 casualties and capturing another 700-2,200 French soldiers.

Varangian Guard

Similar to Vikings, the Varangians later assimilated into other societies. (Photo Credit: Viktor Mikhaylovich Vasnetsov / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

The Varangians were Vikings who traveled through what is now Eastern Europe during the ninth and tenth centuries. They were among the most fearsome military units of the Byzantine Empire, serving as both a mercenary group and the Emperor’s guard, entering battles at crucial moments to secure decisive victories.

Among their most notable offensives were naval expeditions against Italy (936) and the Emirate of Crete (949). They also participated in the partial reconquest of Sicily in 1038 and the Battle of Cannae, the latter of which was a decisive victory for the Byzantines.

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The Byzantines were first introduced to the Varangians in the tenth and eleventh centuries, during wars with the Rus. By the end of the 13th century, the Varangians had largely been assimilated by Byzantine Greeks. The Guard remaining in existence until around the mid-1300s.

Todd Neikirk: Todd Neikirk is a New Jersey-based politics, entertainment and history writer. His work has been featured in,, and He enjoys sports, politics, comic books, and anything that has to do with history. When he is not sitting in front of a laptop, Todd enjoys soaking up everything the Jersey Shore has to offer with his wife, two sons and American Foxhound, Wally.
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