The Battle of Cologne Saw a Legendary Standoff Between a Panther and a Pershing

Photo Credit: Unknown Author / US Army / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

In the wake of the remarkable triumph of the Allied landings in Normandy and their advance through occupied territories, the inevitable outcome of the Second World War became increasingly apparent. The moment arrived to take the fight into the heart of Germany, engaging the enemy on their own soil. In a historic clash during the Battle of Cologne, American and German troops engaged in one of the most iconic tank duels in history, featuring a Panther confronting an M26 Pershing.

Operation Lumberjack

US troops at Ludendorff Bridge. (Photo Credit: Unknown Author / US Army / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

Essential to the Allied takeover of Germany was the movement of troops across the Rhine, where they could gain a foothold along the banks. This was the aim of Operation Lumberjack, launched by the First United States Army, with the hope of then continuing into Germany and capturing major cities that were still under enemy control, including Cologne.

The ancient city was unique, as it was built straddling the Rhine. Tasked with gaining control of the western side, the 3rd and 9th Armored Divisions, along with the 9th and 104th Infantry Divisions, fought their way to their target, beginning on March 1, 1945.

In advance of the American arrival and subsequent battle, Cologne experienced its final air raid, causing further damage to the already-destroyed city.

American advance into Cologne

M4A1 Shermans and members of the 3rd Armored Division during the Battle of Cologne, March 1945. (Photo Credit: Fred Ramage / Keystone / Hulton Archive / Getty Images)

While very little still stood, Cologne’s magnificent cathedral still did. On March 3, Allied aircraft dropped pamphlets, which told citizens to remain in the city, as they had nothing to fear from the forthcoming troops.

Cologne was one of the first cities to become engaged in battle during Operation Lumberjack, with the Americans arriving on March 5 , 1945 from three different directions. Maj. Gen. Maurice Rose commanded the 3rd Armored Division, which, acting as the vanguard to the attack, came from the northwest.

The Armored Divisions worked in tandem with the infantrymen. The heavy vehicles provided much needed cover for the soldiers, who were then able to clear out enemies on foot and provide valuable intelligence.

Panthers, M4 Shermans and M26 Pershings roam the streets

Tanks with the Third United States Army in Cologne, July 1945. (Photo Credit: Bettmann / Getty Images)

While the majority of the Germans had given into their inevitable loss, members of the 9th Panzer, 3rd Panzergrenadier and 363rd Volksgrenadier Divisions were determined to continue fighting. This didn’t stop the American advance. By March 6, 1945, the 3rd Armored Division had broken through much of the German defenses and into Cologne’s city center, where the still-standing cathedral rose into the sky.

Strategically located nearby, and completely out of sight of the Allies, was a German Panther tank, whose crew had prepared an ambush. Around them, the tanks of the 3rd Armored Division were clearing each street of combatants. Made up predominantly of M4 Shermans, they’d been struggling, as their armor couldn’t withstand German weaponry – a problem they’d been dealing with for years.

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In response to this, the Americans had commissioned a new tank, the M26 Pershing, which had double the armor of the Sherman. It was far superior, but hadn’t seen much combat yet, something that would be a big advantage during the Battle of Cologne’s tank duel.

A German Panther takes out two American M4 Shermans

Burning German tank in front of Cologne’s cathedral, March 1945. (Photo Credit: Bettmann / Getty Images)

The tank duel at the Battle of Cologne unfolded as two tanks from Easy Company, 3rd Armored Division were navigating a street. They encountered an obstruction, and in an effort to clear the path radioed for a bulldozer, unwittingly placing themselves within the sights of a concealed Panther tank.

Seizing the opportunity, the Germans fired upon the first Sherman, swiftly destroying it. The second attempted to make a hasty retreat, but the Germans disabled its tracks, preventing its escape. Just before the next shot was fired, the tank crew managed to evacuate. After eliminating both targets, the Panther patiently awaited the arrival of the next unsuspecting Sherman – except the vehicle that approached wasn’t a Sherman at all… It was a Pershing.

Positioned nearby, the Pershing crew had overheard radio communication about the ongoing assault. Staff Sgt. Robert Earley decided to approach the Panther from a side street, leading the German tank’s commander to anticipate a potential attack from that very direction and order his gunner to reposition the turret in readiness.

Panther versus M26 Pershing

Cpl. Clarence Smoyer at the National World War II Memorial after being awarded the Bronze Star, September 2019. (Photo Credit: Jahi Chikwendiu / The Washington Post / Getty Images)

The Pershing gunner, Cpl. Clarence Smoyer, was told, “Shoot wherever you want. He’s just sitting there like he owns the place.” That’s exactly what he did. As they rounded the corner, they saw the Panther’s gun pointed right at them. Smoyer let off his shot, striking the enemy tank on its right side, yet the Germans didn’t do the same. Smoyer subsequently let off another two rounds, hitting just below the Panther’s gun and the spot between the tank’s upper hull and wheels.

Despite being hit three times, the German tank crew managed to escape. The Americans later learned the Panther commander had never seen a Pershing before and had assumed it was one of their own. As such, he’d told his men to hold fire.

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What exactly makes this duel more famous than any other alteration of the war? The entire engagement was caught on video. Tech. Sgt. Jim Bates had been asked to accompany the Pershing crew that day, and he recorded the encounter between the Americans and the Panther, as well as their reactions afterward.

As for the tank crew, it wasn’t until 2019 that Pfc. Homer “Smokey” Davis, Cpl. John DeRiggi, bow gunner William “Woody” McVey and, of course, Clarence Smoyer were awarded Bronze Stars. Smoyer was the only member of “Eagle 7” still alive, so the families of his comrades accepted the medals on their behalf.

Rosemary Giles: Rosemary Giles is a history content writer with Hive Media. She received both her bachelor of arts degree in history, and her master of arts degree in history from Western University. Her research focused on military, environmental, and Canadian history with a specific focus on the Second World War. As a student, she worked in a variety of research positions, including as an archivist. She also worked as a teaching assistant in the History Department. Since completing her degrees, she has decided to take a step back from academia to focus her career on writing and sharing history in a more accessible way. With a passion for historical learning and historical education, her writing interests include social history, and war history, especially researching obscure facts about the Second World War. In her spare time, Rosemary enjoys spending time with her partner, her cats, and her horse, or sitting down to read a good book.
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