Despite Taking Heavy Losses, The “Black Devils” Fought Their Way to Victory In the Battle of the Falaise Pocket

Photo Credit: 1. Imperial War Museums / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain (Colorized by 2. 波蘭軍隊的徽標設計師 / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain
Photo Credit: 1. Imperial War Museums / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain (Colorized by 2. 波蘭軍隊的徽標設計師 / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Known as the “Black Devils” among German forces, the Polish 1st Armoured Division was established during the midst of the Second World War. Collaborating closely with the Allied Forces, they earned an impressive reputation for their many contributions to the war campaign. Despite their eventual disbandment, the division’s profound influence on the war’s outcome is still remembered today.

The Polish 1st Armoured Division’s beginnings in Scotland

Members of the Polish 1st Armoured Division sitting atop a tank
Polish 1st Armoured Division prior to their deployment to France. (Photo Credit: Unknown Author / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

Following the fall of Poland in 1939, thousands of soldiers escaped to Hungary, before being forced into France by the Germans’ westward advance. When Germany took control of France, these same troops sought refuge in the United Kingdom. Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Armed Forces Gen. Władysław Sikorski was eager to establish the Polish I Corps in Great Britain and began lobbying for its creation in November 1941.

It wasn’t until February 1942 that the Polish 1st Armoured Division came to fruition. Based in Scotland, the division encompassed the 10th Armoured Cavalry and 3rd Infantry Brigades, commanded by Maj. Gen. Stanisław Maczek. The division was seriously undermanned and under-equipped when first formed, but the soldiers who made up the force were some of the most experienced in Britain at the time.

The division was transferred to England in 1943

Troops of the 1st Polish Armoured Division passing a Dutch windmill.
Troops of the 1st Polish Armoured Division passing a Dutch windmill at the village of Terheijden, Netherlands, 1944. (Photo Credits: Keystone Press photographer / Imperial War Museums / Getty Images).

While stationed in Scotland, the Polish I Corps guarded the British coast. They initially trained with Crusader tanks, but switched to M4 Shermans and Cromwells upon transferring to the south of England in the summer of 1943. During this time, membership steadily grew, with 15,210 soldiers, 885 officers and 381 tanks making up the division by July 1944.

The amount of soldiers later peaked at around 18,000.

Operation Totalize

Members of the Polish 1st Armoured Division standing near damaged military vehicles
German column destroyed by the Polish 1st Armoured Division in Normandy, France, 1944. (Photo Credit: Unknown Author / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

With a larger force, the Polish 1st Armoured Division was moved to Normandy and assigned to the 21st Army Group of the First Canadian Army. Their mission was to support Operation Totalize, entering the combat phase of the offensive on August 8, 1944.

The objective was to break through the German defenses in the south and isolate the 7th Army west of the Seine. This would be accomplished in two phases. In the initial phase, the Canadians would push the Germans down the Caen-Falaise Road, while the Polish 1st Armoured Division held the right side of the road and cleared villages in the second phase of the operation.

The Polish troops endured 44 casualties from friendly fire by US-flown Boeing B-17 Flying Fortresses, but persisted in their advance. Stanisław Maczek led the assault with the 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade, supported by the 3rd Infantry Brigade on the left flank. When the Germans counterattacked, he strategically rotated different units to prevent any single group from suffering excessive losses.

Serving as the cork in the ‘Falaise Pocket’

Cromwell and M4 Sherman tanks driving down a dirt road
Column of Cromwell and M4 Sherman tanks with the Polish 1st Armoured Division during the Battle of the Falaise Pocket. (Photo Credit: No. 5 Army Film & Photographic Unit / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

As the Germans fought back, an opportunity presented itself to the Allies. With the Canadians pushing south, the Americans began their push north, ultimately lining up with the former. This trapped the German 7th Army, with the Polish 1st Armoured Division acting as “the cork of the bottle” that surrounded the remainder of the enemy troops and prevented their escape.

This was called the Falaise Pocket, and it began on August 12, 1944.

After the Canadian and American forces took their positions, the division closed the pocket on August 19. Unfortunately, they took the brunt of the Germans’ desperate counterattack, with 446 soldiers killed, 1,501 wounded and 150 deemed missing in action (MIA). Despite this, they managed to capture 3,500 prisoners of war (POWs). They also secured or destroyed 55 tanks.

The Polish 1st Armoured Division fought throughout Europe

Crowd watching members of the Polish 1st Armoured Division march down a street
Members of the Polish 1st Armoured Division form a triumphant procession through the streets of Breda, in the Netherlands, December 1944. (Photo Credit: Horace Abrahams / Keystone Features / Getty Images)

Once they’d completed their work in Normandy, the Polish 1st Armoured Division followed the Germans to Belgium. There, they helped liberate a number of towns, including Ypres, Saint-Omer, Oostnieuwkerke, Ghent, Ruiselede, Roeselare and Tielt. After this, they moved to the Netherlands and aided in the liberation of the eastern parts of Drenthe and Groningen.

By April 1945, the division was fighting in Germany. They entered Emsland, and by early May had captured the Kriegsmarine base at Wilhelmshaven. There, the German commanders capitulated.

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Following the close of the Second World War, the Polish 1st Armoured Division remained in Germany for occupational duties, before being disbanded in 1947. Over the course of the conflict, they lost a total of 975 soldiers. Following the disbandment, the soldiers had the option to return to Poland. By this time, however, the country had fallen under Soviet control, leading many to opt to remain in exile in other parts of Europe.

Samantha Franco

Samantha Franco is a Freelance Content Writer who received her Bachelor of Arts degree in history from the University of Guelph, and her Master of Arts degree in history from the University of Western Ontario. Her research focused on Victorian, medical, and epidemiological history with a focus on childhood diseases. Stepping away from her academic career, Samantha previously worked as a Heritage Researcher and now writes content for multiple sites covering an array of historical topics.

In her spare time, Samantha enjoys reading, knitting, and hanging out with her dog, Chowder!