Do You Still Believe Any of These Seven Myths About the American Civil War?

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A defining moment in U.S. history, and arguably one of the most important, was the American Civil War. Although much of what is known about the conflict is true, certain aspects have been largely overstated. Here are seven myths about the war that require clarification.

MYTH: Robert E. Lee didn’t own slaves or support slavery

Robert E. Lee, 1863. (Photo Credit: Library of Congress / Getty Images)

In the decades following the American Civil War, a lot of work was done to paint Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee as a saintly hero. This includes the claim that he was against slavery and didn’t own slaves himself.

This is clearly untrue. In 1857, Lee’s wife inherited 189 enslaved people after his father-in-law, George Washington Parke Curtis, died, and the decedent’s will stipulated that the slaves be freed five years after his death. Records also show Lee sold a number of enslaved individuals to pay off debts and took legal measures to prevent the emancipation of others.

It’s said Lee was paternalistic toward his slaves, but that doesn’t change the fact that he still owned them. Civil War historian Eric Foner explains in an article published in The New York Times, “He was not a pro-slavery ideologue. But I think equally important is that, unlike some White Southerners, he never spoke out against slavery.”

MYTH: Thousands of African-Americans fought for the Confederacy

Slaves standing outside their quarters on a plantation on Cockspur Island, Georgia, 1863. (Photo Credit: CORBIS / Getty Images)

A controversial aspect of the American Civil War involves African Americans in the Confederate Army. Some claim that thousands of freed and enslaved individuals voluntarily fought for the South, but in reality, they were not officially recognized as soldiers and did not serve by choice.

Indeed, many African Americans were present with Confederate forces, often serving as servants, hospital staff, laborers, and cooks. They were not seen as military personnel and were frequently forced into these roles by their White counterparts, who continued to see them as inferior. While some, particularly musicians and cooks, were paid for their services, many were not.

In 1865, the Confederate Congress passed a law allowing the formal enlistment of African-American soldiers. This required their masters to grant them freedom, a condition that largely hindered enlistment efforts in many areas, leading to slow or nonexistent recruitment.

MYTH: Ulysses S. Grant was drunk during the Battle of Shiloh

Ulysses S. Grant. (Photo Credit: Universal History Archive / Getty Images)

Ulysses S. Grant led the Union Army to victory during the American Civil War, becoming a national hero. Accusations of him being a drunk, however, dogged him for much of his military and political career. Some of these claims emerged following his victory at the Battle of Shiloh, when a reporter from the New York Herald wrote that he was drunk during the engagement.

Grant did have a problem with alcohol for much of his life and had a lower tolerance than most men. Writing in the 2017 book, Grant, biographer Ron Chernow stated the Union commanding general would, however, never imperil an upcoming fight by drinking beforehand.

The Shiloh rumors led to requests for President Abraham Lincoln to fire Grant. According to State Sen. Alexander McClure, the president responded, “I can’t spare this man. He fights.” In a letter to his wife, Julia, Grant swore, “[I was] sober as a deacon no matter what was said to the contrary.”

MYTH: The South lost because the North had more resources

Members of the Union Army’s 96th Pennsylvania Regiment carrying out a drill at Camp Northumberland, outside of Washington, DC. (Photo Credit: MPI / Getty Images)

Many believe the myth that the South lost the American Civil War solely because the North had more resources. While this was a contributing factor, it wasn’t the only reason the Confederates were unable to win the conflict.

The notion that the North’s superior resources led to its victory has persisted since shortly after the war ended. However, as Karen L. Cox, a professor of History at the University of North Carolina, told The Washington Post, there were other factors at play, such as poor morale and social divisions within Southern society.

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Coupled with “desertions and the emancipation of enslaved people – the primary source of labor supplying Confederate armies,” this shows the South’s defeat to the Union forces becomes much more complex.

MYTH: Amputations were frequently performed without anesthesia

Wounded soldiers at a hospital in Fredericksburg, Virginia. (Photo Credit: James Gardner / Buyenlarge / Getty Images)

Many movies and books set during the American Civil War will lead one to believe anesthesia was relatively uncommon during the conflict; the images of soldiers taking a shot of whiskey and biting down on a piece of wood as they have a body part sawn off are ingrained in people’s minds. While that certainly did happen, it wasn’t as common as Hollywood would make us believe.

The reality was that Civil War doctors were quite aware of the need for anesthesia and the majority used chloroform and ether to conduct serious surgeries. According to History Collection, “Over [90 percent] of all amputations performed during the war were accomplished with the patient under anesthesia.”

One of the soldiers on the receiving end of these amputations was Confederate Gen. Stonewall Jackson. He lost his left arm to friendly fire following the Battle of Chancellorsville and died from pneumonia a week later.

MYTH: The Confederate Army was made up of volunteers

Confederate Army volunteers in Pensacola, Florida. (Photo Credit: MPI / Getty Images)

Another claim is that all soldiers within the Confederate Army had volunteered for service. This is so ingrained in our minds that sports teams at the University of Tennessee are nicknamed the “Volunteers.” This is untrue, despite the majority volunteering to join the fight.

Knowing that many soldiers would be needed for the war, the Confederate Army began a conscription program. Between 1862-64, the Confederate government passed a number of acts geared toward ensuring the Army had enough men. It initially made it so all White men between the ages of 18-35 were to serve three years. This range eventually widened to include those who were between 17-50 years old. What’s more, they were to serve in the military for an unlimited amount of time.

Like many conscription programs, the wealthy were favored. Any man owning more than 20 slaves was exempt from the draft, so they could manage their property. Wealthy men also had the choice to hire a substitute to serve in their place. While this created resentment among those who were hired, the poor had little choice but to go to war.

MYTH: States’ rights were the cause of the American Civil War

Confederate soldiers playing cards. (Photo Credit: MPI / Getty Images)

One of the main arguments from Confederate apologists is that the cause of the American Civil War wasn’t slavery. They argue the cause was states’ rights and that the Union infringed upon the South’s right to continue owning slaves, despite there being no bills put forth to end the practice.

Unfortunately for them, this argument doesn’t hold much weight. There was furious debate in the two decades leading up to the conflict, regarding the practice of slavery, and, for the South, Abraham Lincoln’s election was a bridge too far.

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When the Confederates formed their own government, their constitution made it so that slavery could only be ruled upon at the federal level and not by individual states. One passage, in particular, stood out, reading, “No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.”

Todd Neikirk: Todd Neikirk is a New Jersey-based politics, entertainment and history writer. His work has been featured in,, and He enjoys sports, politics, comic books, and anything that has to do with history. When he is not sitting in front of a laptop, Todd enjoys soaking up everything the Jersey Shore has to offer with his wife, two sons and American Foxhound, Wally.
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