Most People Don’t Know the Difference Between US Army Rangers and the Green Berets

Photo Credit: 1. hilts / MovieStillsDB 2. CaptainOT / Columbia Pictures / MovieStillsDB
Photo Credit: 1. hilts / MovieStillsDB 2. CaptainOT / Columbia Pictures / MovieStillsDB

When comparing a US Army Ranger with a Green Beret, the goal isn’t to suggest that one is better than the other. Both represent the core values of the US military and are known as some of the most elite units ever formed. However, distinct differences set them apart, aspects that potential candidates should thoughtfully evaluate before seeking to join either group.

Army Ranger vs Green Beret

Group of Green Berets saluting
Photo Credit: Maria L. Taylor / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

US Army Rangers form a sizable light infantry force skilled in joint special operations such as raids, search and rescue, reconnaissance, airborne assaults, and airfield takeovers. Though some of these duties overlap with those of the Special Forces, Rangers primarily function as a rapid response team. Their motto, “Rangers Lead the Way,” encapsulates their swift and decisive mission approach.

On the other hand, Green Berets operate in smaller 12-person teams, excelling in unconventional warfare. Their six primary missions include reconnaissance, foreign internal defense, hostage rescue, direct action, counter-terrorism and guerrilla warfare. Their motto, “De Oppresso Liber,” means “To Liberate the Oppressed.”

While both Rangers and Green Berets fall under the Special Operations Command and share some operational tasks, their training and focus vary significantly, each emphasizing different skill sets and mission goals.

Army Ranger training requirements

Two US Army Rangers standing at attention
Photo Credit: Staff Sgt. Teddy Wade / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Their differences are easily identifiable when pitting the entry requirements of a US Army Ranger vs a Green Beret. There are no prerequisites for a soldier to enlist in Ranger School – so long as they’re 18 years old and a member of the US Army, they can join. Even those not currently enlisted can sign a contract, which grants permission for them to join the qualification tests immediately after completing Basic Training.

Ranger School is considered a valuable training tool, but earning the Ranger Tab following its completion doesn’t make a soldier part of the 75th Ranger Regiment. They must complete the Ranger Assessment and Selection Process (RASP) to achieve this.

Green Beret training requirements 

Soldiers lined up to graduate, wearing masks.
Photo Credits: K. Kassen / United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School / DVIDS / Public Domain.

Training to become a Green Beret is significantly more difficult. Active soldiers wanting to join the Special Forces must complete at least three years of service with the Army before applying and have reached the rank of E-3 – or private first class. Troops who haven’t previously served can sign an 18X contract, which allows them to try their hand at becoming Green Berets as soon as they finish Basic Training and the Basic Airborne Course (BAC).

Active soldiers who are approved to begin the selection process must take the two-week Special Operations Preparation Course (SOPC). The physical conditioning course helps prepare them for the rigors of the Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) – better known as the “Q” Course.

Candidates must attend the Special Forces Preparation Course (SFPC) to test their physical and navigational skills. It’s purposely challenging to weed out those who aren’t yet prepared for the Q Course. Those who pass must also go through Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS), a three-week evaluation of “intelligence, physical fitness, motivation, trainability, judgment, and influence.”

It’s only after these hurdles that soldiers may move onto the Q Course.

Ranger Assessment and Selection Process (RASP)

US soldier crawling beneath barbed wire
Photo Credit: Sgt. Steven Livingston / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

To join the 75th Ranger Regiment, individuals must successfully navigate the challenging US Army Ranger School, widely renowned as one of the most difficult training programs for soldiers. Spanning more than two months, this course is divided into three distinct phases, each tailored to train different facets of a Ranger’s skill set, ensuring complete readiness upon completion.

The first phase, lasting 20 days, rigorously assesses candidates’ physical endurance, mental fortitude, and overall resilience, establishing a solid groundwork essential for progressing through to the next phases. Following this, participants are deployed to the rugged terrain of the North Georgia Mountains, where they receive intensive instruction in mountaineering techniques and mobility training. The third and final phase places soldiers in Florida’s swampy marshland, where they learn waterborne operations under extreme mental and physical stress.

Graduation from Ranger School earns soldiers the prestigious Ranger Tab, a symbol of their hard-earned expertise, which can be achieved either before or after completing the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP).

The RASP comprises an eight-week evaluation, divided again into three phases. The first segment demands completion of demanding physical trials, including a grueling six-to-12-mile march with a 35-pound rucksack, a timed five-mile run, and a 15-meter swim in full gear. The next phases of the program test candidates’ proficiency in mountaineering and swamp operations through a series of rigorous exercises.

Upon successful completion of the RASP, soldiers are awarded the coveted tan beret, officially marking their induction into the esteemed ranks of the US Army Rangers.

Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC)

Man sitting between two ropes over a rocky ledge
Photo Credit: Mehran Eisazadeh / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 (Colorized by

For a soldier to become a Green Beret, they must endure the Q Course, a one-to-two-year process that’s split into six phases to churn out skilled Special Forces members.

The first phase is course orientation and history. Lasting seven weeks, it teaches candidates the core mission and tasks of the US Army Special Forces and the various military occupational specialties (MOS). The second focuses on language and culture, with soldiers expected to become experts in the language and culture they’re assigned, through 18-24 weeks of training and education.

The third is small-unit tactics and lasts for 13 weeks. Throughout, soldiers become skilled marksmen, and are trained in urban warfare operations, sensitive exploitation procedures, and complete Survival, Evasive, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) training. 

The fourth phase – MOS training – assigns candidates into their respective fields: detachment commander, engineer sergeant, medical sergeant, weapons sergeant or communications sergeant. The fifth consists of the Unconventional Warfare Culmination Exercise – Robin Sage, which takes four weeks. The soldiers are dropped into a fictional environment of political instability, and told to plan and apply their skills to overcome the challenges of overthrowing a faux-guerrilla regime.

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The sixth and final phase of the Q Course is what all candidates hope to reach: graduation. Here, those who’ve successfully completed their training are awarded their green beret, officially making them members of the Army’s Special Forces.

Samantha Franco

Samantha Franco is a Freelance Content Writer who received her Bachelor of Arts degree in history from the University of Guelph, and her Master of Arts degree in history from the University of Western Ontario. Her research focused on Victorian, medical, and epidemiological history with a focus on childhood diseases. Stepping away from her academic career, Samantha previously worked as a Heritage Researcher and now writes content for multiple sites covering an array of historical topics.

In her spare time, Samantha enjoys reading, knitting, and hanging out with her dog, Chowder!