Operation Tannenbaum: Why Didn’t Germany Invade Switzerland?

Photo Credit: Bettmann / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Bettmann / Getty Images

Adhering to its stance of neutrality, Switzerland steadfastly maintained its impartial position throughout the chaos of World War II. Aware of the constant threat of invasion, especially from Germany’s Operation Tannenbaum, the nation implemented extensive defensive strategies. However, a nagging question remains: Why did the Germans ultimately hold off on invading?

History of Swiss neutrality

Aerial view of Geneva, Switzerland
The League of Nations set up its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. (Photo Credit: ork.ch / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 2.0 fr)

Switzerland’s position of neutrality during World War II wasn’t a new stance. The roots of the country’s commitment to neutrality stretch back to the 16th century and the Battle of Marignano. After the Swiss Army’s defeat to the French in September 1515, a deliberate decision was made to avoid joining in future conflicts, prioritizing self-preservation.

Despite this longstanding dedication to neutrality, Switzerland encountered challenges to its position over the centuries, mainly due to the actions of other nations.

Formally declaring neutrality during the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Switzerland upheld this principle during World War I by refraining from direct military engagement. Nonetheless, the nation provided asylum to refugees and activated its armed forces. Internal tensions among the French-, Italian-, and German-speaking communities also emerged.

Following WWI, the League of Nations, established by the victorious powers, recognized and respected Switzerland’s neutrality, establishing its headquarters in Geneva.

A promise from Germany, to Switzerland

Portrait of Edmund Schulthess
The Führer promised Swiss Federal Councilor Edmund Schulthess that the country would respect Switzerland’s neutrality. (Photo Credit: Robert Sennecke / ullstein bild / Getty Images)

Switzerland’s neutrality seemed secure during the meteoric rise of the Führer, who assured them their status would be respected. In a February 1937 meeting, he went so far as to tell Swiss official Edmund Schulthess that Germany would not invade the European nation. However, his promises were about as reliable as a house of cards. Throughout the conflict, Germany swiftly seized neighboring countries- Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Norway and Belgium all under their control.

Well aware of Germany’s ruthless tactics, Switzerland opted for caution and mobilized its military. At its peak, this force swelled to an impressive 850,000 soldiers, all placed under the command of Henri Guisan, a seasoned veteran with an unmatched career in the Swiss Armed Forces.

Guisan spearheaded the National Redoubt strategy, a defensive plan that envisioned deploying three mountain brigades and eight infantry divisions. These troops honed their skills through rigorous training that mirrored the brutal battles raging across Europe. The plan, in the event of an invasion, was for the Swiss government to relocate to the Alps, preserving both territory and political authority.

The planning of Operation Tannenbaum

Aerial view of soldiers marching together down a street
Operation Tannenbaum was the codename for Germany’s invasion of Switzerland. (Photo Credit: Gallas Wilhelm / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

Despite the Führer’s assurances to Switzerland, the nation firmly upheld its commitment to complete neutrality. This defiance angered the German government, leading to plans for a potential invasion.

The Führer, with disdain, told Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, “Switzerland possesses the most disgusting and miserable people and political system. The Swiss are the mortal enemies of the new Germany.”

The plan was given the codename Operation Tannenbaum. According to the plan, a segment of the Wehrmacht, stationed in Central France with two million soldiers, was to advance toward Switzerland. Italian involvement was also part of the strategy. While the German forces aimed at seizing control of Geneva and Lucerne, the Italian Army would invade the Alps, with both countries dividing Switzerland between them.

Given the substantial military strength involved, Italy and Germany could have easily occupied Switzerland. However, for reasons that remain unclear, Operation Tannenbaum was never implemented.

Why didn’t the Germans move forward with Operation Tannenbaum?

Red Cross workers taking packages out of a wooden crate
Operation Tannenbaum would have seen Switzerland split between Germany and Italy. (Photo Credit: Bettmann / Getty Images)

Germany’s defeat in World War II, coupled with the Führer‘s death, erased any opportunity to understand why Operation Tannenbaum was abandoned. Because of this, historians have had to depend on theories to explain this decision.

The first theory suggests that although Switzerland had a smaller military, it was well-prepared to put up a formidable defense. Investments in weaponry had equipped Switzerland with one of the era’s most advanced arsenals. The country’s geographical features, including its landlocked borders, lack of navigable waterways, and rugged mountainous terrain that was favorable for skiing but impeded military operations, made occupation less attractive.

The second theory suggests that Germany found Switzerland’s neutral stance useful, using the country to launder stolen gold. Additionally, Swiss authorities provided a potential haven for German officials if the war took a negative turn.

Switzerland remains neutral to this day

Ignazio Cassis standing at a podium
Switzerland, under the leadership of President Ignazio Cassis, remains neutral to this day. (Photo Credit: Mateusz Wlodarczyk / NurPhoto / Getty Images)

Despite the challenges, Switzerland managed to stay neutral during the whole of the Second World War. Since then, the country has largely stayed out of major conflicts, with the exception of the War in Afghanistan. This was the first time Switzerland engaged in combat since 1815. Additionally, during the War in Iraq, Swiss officials allowed American forces to use Swiss airspace for surveillance missions.

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In 2022, then-President Ignazio Cassis outlined Switzerland’s position, stating that the country’s values consist of “no participation in wars; international cooperation but no membership in any military alliance; no provision of troops or weapons to warring parties and no granting of transition rights.”

Todd Neikirk

Todd Neikirk is a New Jersey-based politics, entertainment and history writer. His work has been featured in psfk.com, foxsports.com, politicususa.com and hillreporter.com. He enjoys sports, politics, comic books, and anything that has to do with history.

When he is not sitting in front of a laptop, Todd enjoys soaking up everything the Jersey Shore has to offer with his wife, two sons and American Foxhound, Wally.