The Luftwaffe Paid A Heavy Price For the Mistake of Operation Bodenplatte At The End of World War II

World War II squadron of FW 190s. (Photo Credits: Sobotta / ullstein bild / Getty Images / Resized and details on tail removed in Canva)

Operation Bodenplatte, a component of the Battle of the Bulge, was designed to neutralize Allied airfields in the Low Countries. Coordinated with the Wehrmacht’s ground attack in the Ardennes, the Luftwaffe sought to cripple as many Allied aircraft as possible. Unfortunately for the Germans, the operation, often referred to as the “Hangover Raid,” inflicted significant damage on their already weakened air force.

Planning the Luftwaffe‘s last grandstand in the air

Artist’s rendering of Luftwaffe Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9s enroute to their target during Operation Bodenplatte, January 1945. (Photo Credit: _Harpia_Marfa55_ / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0)

Following Allied advancements in France in the aftermath of D-Day, American Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower skillfully exploited logistical challenges and unfavorable weather to push his troops deeper into the Germans’ heavily fortified defensive positions. The German military, including the Luftwaffe, faced numerous hurdles, from fuel shortages to a shortage of experienced pilots.

To regain air superiority, Germany devised a plan to strike Allied airfields and aircraft, to disrupt operations across the Western Front. On September 16, 1944, Generalleutnant Werner Kreipe, head of the Luftwaffe‘s General Staff, was charged with leading such an offensive.

The operation, crafted by General of Fighters Adolf Galland and endorsed by the Luftwaffe‘s commander-in-chief, outlined aerial assaults on airfields in France, Belgium and the Netherlands, in support of the Ardennes Offensive. This strategy was refined by Generalmajor Dietrich Peltz, who advocated for a unified, synchronized strike that would maximize impact by preventing battles between skilled Allied aviators and their less-experienced German counterparts.

The operation was originally planned to coincide with the Battle of the Bulge

Six United States soldiers from the 7th Armored Division patrolling St. Vith during the Battle of the Bulge, January 1945. (Photo Credits: Galerie Bilderwelt / Getty Images)

Numerous units were temporarily reassigned from duty on the Western Front to participate in what became known as Operation Bodenplatte. The primary aircraft used were Messerschmitt Bf 109s and Focke-Wulf Fw 190s, with medium bombers and night-fighter units serving as pathfinders.

Initially planned to coincide with the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge, the aerial assault faced several delays over the following weeks due to adverse weather. With improved conditions, the decision was made to launch the operation on New Year’s Day 1945, alongside Operation Nordwind.

Operation Bodenplatte

Damaged Republic P-47 Thunderbolts at Metz Airfield, January 1945. (Photo Credit: United States Army Air Forces / Air Force Historical Research Agency / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

Instead of ringing in the new year with celebrations on the evening of December 31, 1944, Luftwaffe pilots involved in Operation Bodenplatte received orders to retire early, while ground crews diligently prepared their aircraft. In the early hours of January 1, 1945, they took off from their bases, targeting 17 airfields:

  • Ursel
  • Deurne
  • Woensdrecht
  • Asch
  • Evere
  • Volkel
  • Grimbergen
  • Sint-Truiden
  • Ghent
  • Metz
  • Melsbroek
  • Ophoven
  • Eindhoven
  • Heesch
  • Le Culot
  • Gilze en Rijen
  • Maldegem.

Subsequent examination of the plans revealed that several targets were mistakenly attacked.

Operating under radio silence and guided by flares from Junkers Ju-88 and -188s, the strike was planned for dawn, around 9:20 AM local time. Exploiting the element of surprise, the Germans caught the Allied airfields off guard, as they were unprepared for an aerial assault; despite British Intelligence noting increased Luftwaffe movement and a buildup in the region, the impending attack had gone unnoticed.

Upon reaching the airfields across the Low Countries, it became evident that numerous Royal Air Force (RAF) squadrons were on missions or absent altogether. Grimbergen, for instance, greeted Jagdgeschwader 26 (JG.26) with an empty airfield, as the 132 Wing RAF had recently relocated to Woensdrecht. The remaining aircraft were defended by flak crews, resulting in more aircraft losses for the Luftwaffe than the Allies suffered on the ground.

The Luftwaffe inflicted human and aircraft casualties

An Avro Lancaster of Bomber Command is covered with foam by fire crews to save it from burning in Melsbroek, Belgium, after the airfield was attacked in Operation Bodenplatte. (Photo Credits: Royal Air Force Official Photographer / Imperial War Museum / Air Ministry Second World War Official Collection / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

Similarly, in Ghent, home to the No 131 (Polish) Wing, several Mk IX Supermarine Spitfire squadrons were away on an aerial bombing mission. Consequently, German pilots could only target buildings, trucks and a limited number of parked aircraft.

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Among the heavily damaged airfields was Metz, where the American 365th Fighter Group’s fleet of Republic P-47 Thunderbolts faced strafing with machine gun and cannon fire, causing damage not only to aircraft, but also triggering explosions of fuel tanks and munitions.

Despite encountering resilient Allied defenses, the Luftwaffe inflicted casualties, both in terms of human and aircraft losses. By around 12:00 PM that day, German pilots gradually departed in ones and twos. An assessment of the inflicted damage revealed varying degrees of impact, with some targets suffering considerable damage while others escaped relatively unscathed.

The Allies suffered far less damage than the Germans

Captured Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 at Sint-Truiden, January 1945. (Photo Credit: US Army Air Forces / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

Although the Luftwaffe claimed to have taken the Allies by surprise with Operation Bodenplatte, the operation had a significant negative impact on Germany’s already weakened air forces from a strategic perspective. Of the 850 aircraft involved, 40 percent were either destroyed or damaged, and 143 pilots were killed or declared missing in action (MIA); 70 became prisoners of war (POWs) and 21 sustained injuries. This marked the Luftwaffe‘s most significant single-day loss.

Only one-third of the air combat groups attacked on time with surprise 

The Focke-Wulf FW190 was a fighter aircraft used by the Luftwaffe in Operation Bodenplatte. (Photo Credits: Ad Meskens / Wikimedia Commons CC ASA 3.0 Unported)

Approximately half of the German aircraft lost during Operation Bodenplatte were attributed to friendly fire. Subsequent analysis showed that only one-third of the air combat groups involved – 11 out of 34 – conducted their attacks on time and with surprise.

Meanwhile, the Allies quickly recovered from the air raids. Only 250 aircraft were destroyed, and 150 were damaged but later repaired. The loss of pilots was minimal, and within a week of Operation Bodenplatte, many aircraft were back in action, contributing to the ongoing Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes.

Why did Operation Bodenplatte go so wrong?

Douglas DC-3 of the Royal Air Force (RAF) Transport Command at Melsbroek, January 1945. (Photo Credit: Royal Air Force Official Photographer / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

An examination of Operation Bodenplatte revealed the mission was destined to fail from the outset. The majority of the aviators involved lacked experience and had undergone significantly less training than their counterparts who’d flown earlier in the war. This lack of expertise manifested in their conduct during the attack, as they circled back over the airfields multiple times, giving the Allies on the ground additional opportunities to fire anti-aircraft artillery.

Inadequacies in planning also played a significant role in the mission’s downfall. Several flight paths directed pilots over heavily guarded and armed V2 launch sites, particularly around The Hague. Moreover, the maps provided by the higher command were incomplete, featuring only illustrations of the intended targets while omitting crucial details about the flight paths. This omission aimed to prevent the Allies from deciphering critical information if the documents fell into their hands.

The Allies weren’t as ‘hungover’ as the Luftwaffe had expected

Fire crews attempt to extinguish the last fires among burnt-out North American Mitchells of No. 139 Wing RAF at B58/Melsbroek, Belgium, after the Operation Bodenplatte attack. January 1945. (Photo Credits: Royal Air Force Official Photographer / Imperial War Museums / Air Ministry Second World War Official Collection / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

Secrecy further contributed to the mission’s shortcomings. Most commanders were prohibited from providing advanced notice to pilots, resulting in many receiving instructions moments before taking off. This lack of detailed information led to them taking to the air without a comprehensive understanding of their mission. As far as they knew, they were participating in a reconnaissance operation.

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Ultimately, the Allies didn’t exhibit the hangover-induced vulnerability that the Luftwaffe had anticipated after their New Year’s Eve celebrations. Numerous Allied personnel had moderated their revelry the night before, aware of scheduled missions for the following day. In fact, some were en route back to base when the German attack unfolded. This fortuitous timing enabled them to offer supplementary air support, successfully eliminating several enemy aircraft.

Clare Fitzgerald: Clare Fitzgerald is a Writer and Editor with eight years of experience in the online content sphere. Graduating with a Bachelor of Arts from King’s University College at Western University, her portfolio includes coverage of digital media, current affairs, history and true crime. Among her accomplishments are being the Founder of the true crime blog, Stories of the Unsolved, which garners between 400,000 and 500,000 views annually, and a contributor for John Lordan’s Seriously Mysterious podcast. Prior to its hiatus, she also served as the Head of Content for UK YouTube publication, TenEighty Magazine. In her spare time, Clare likes to play Pokemon GO and re-watch Heartland over and over (and over) again. She’ll also rave about her three Maltese dogs whenever she gets the chance. Writing Portfolio Stories of the Unsolved
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