The ‘Pirate of the Republic’: The French Mercenary Behind Countless Coups In Comoros

Photo Credit: 1. Patrick Durand / Sygma / Getty Images (Blurred) 2. Pool GIRARD / SIDLER / Gamma-Rapho / Getty Images

The name Bob Denard might not ring a bell for many, but those acquainted with 20th-century mercenary endeavors recognize him as the Frenchman behind multiple coups in the African nation of Comoros. His unconventional military exploits led to many casualties throughout his career, and he faced trial for these actions until his death in 2007.

Bob Denard was a military man unhappy with civilian life

Bob Denard, 1966. (Photo Credit: AFP / Getty Images)

The son of a non-commissioned officer with the French Colonial Army, Bob Denard himself served in Vietnam and with the Moroccan police. Upon finishing his military service, he found himself struggling with the idle nature of civilian life.

In 1961, he was drawn into the conflict in the Belgian Congo – present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo – and traveled to the region to train mercenary-supported troops from the Katanga region. Denard fled when the uprising failed. He returned in late 1965 to fight alongside Mobutu Sese Seko, a former opponent of the Katanga regime.

Following the money, Denard switched sides and joined Belgian fighter Jacques Schramme in trying to overthrow Mobutu. The coup failed after the group ran into North Korean troops who were visiting the area from Pyongyang. Despite sustaining an injury to the head that left him temporarily paralyzed, Denard was able to flee the country.

First Comoros coup

Bob Denard being taken into custody, 1995. (Photo Credit: Alexander Joe / Getty Images)

Bob Denard refrained from initiating another coup until January 1976, this time targeting the island nation of Comoros. In 1975, Saïd Mohamed Jaffar had ousted the country’s president, Ahmed Abdullah Abderrahmane.

Denard arrived early in the new year not to support Abdullah but to assist Ali Soilih, who had offered him $15,000 to lead a rebellion against Abdullah. Understanding that the deposed leader would likely attempt to reclaim power, Soilih enlisted Denard and mercenaries from France and Gabon. Together, they procured weapons, supplies, and besieged Abdullah, who sought sanctuary in Paris.

1978 Comoros coup

Coup d’état in Comoros, 1995. (Photo Credit: Patrick Durand / Getty Images)

In 1977, Bob Denard planned a coup against the then-leader of Benin, but it fell apart three hours in. He immediately left, abandoning not just his weapons cache, but his men and the documents that outlined his plans for the now-failed attack.

Despite being abroad, Abdullah could tell Soilih was an inept leader. With the help of two wealthy businessmen, he hired Denard to help him reassume power. Armed, the mercenary and his men sailed to Comoros, where, in May 1978, they snuck ashore and imprisoned Soilih. He was shot dead 16 days after his capture.

This would be the start of a 20-year war within Comoros.

Bob Denard’s role in Ahmed Abdullah Abderrahmane’s murder

Bob Denard, 1995. (Photo Credit: Anne Nosten / Getty Images)

Bob Denard was granted the position of Chief of Abdullah’s Presidential Guard, which was 500 men strong. While there, he began practicing Islam, the country’s predominant religion, and lived on a 1,800-acre farm with his sixth wife. To many, he was seen as the “King” of Comoros, without actually wearing a crown.

In 1989, rumors spread regarding Abdullah’s wish to remove Denard from his position. He signed a decree ordering the Guard to disarm the armed forces, as he feared a possible coup. Not long after, he was shot dead in a series of events that are still disputed to this day.

While Denard claimed Abdullah was shot by his own bodyguard after a failed assassination attempt, others believe he was killed in a dispute with the mercenary’s men. Regardless, the murder caused several weeks of unrest, leading the French military to send 3,000 men to take control from the mercenary forces. Denard managed to escape to South Africa before he could be apprehended.

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The 1995 Comoros coup

Comoros President Saïd Mohamed Djohar. (Photo Credit: PORTALI / Getty Images)

Bob Denard remained in South Africa until 1993, when he returned to France to face charges over his actions in Benin.

In September 1995, he and his troops made one final attempt to gain control of Comoros, attacking then-President Saïd Mohamed Djohar, the former Head of the Coromos Supreme Court. France sent an expeditionary force to Comoros to capture the mercenaries after receiving advanced notice of the coup.

The group’s surrender was peaceful, without a single shot fired. Denard was brought back to France by members of the French Directorate-General for External Security (DGSE) and served 10 months.

A mercenary is brought before the courts

Sketch of court proceedings in 1999. (Photo Credit: Jean Chesnot / Getty Images)

Along with the convictions he faced for the failed Benin coup, Bob Denard was charged for his actions in Comoros. In 1999, he and his lieutenant were brought before the courts for the murder of Abdullah.

The prosecution’s argument was that Abdullah had been killed in a fake attack on his palace because he wished to remove Denard from his role with the Presidential Guard. Just before the trial was set to begin, Abdullah’s family withdrew their suit and the pair were acquitted for a lack of evidence.

Two years later, Denard was charged by the Italian Attorney of Verona for attempting to recruit mercenaries in the country’s far-right movement. This was alleged to have been for an attempted coup against Comoros’ leader, Azali Assoumani.

Denard’s final court battle occurred in 2006, when he was charged for the coup against Djohar. The prosecution requested a five-year sentence, while his accomplices faced terms of one to five years. He was found guilty of “belonging to a gang who conspired to commit a crime” and given a five-year suspended sentence.

Bob Denard’s final days

Bob Denard in front of the Court of Appeals, 1993. (Photo Credit: Yves Forestier / Getty Images)

Bob Denard, suffering from Alzheimer’s, appealed his conviction. His sentence was changed to four years in prison, with three suspended. He never ended up serving any jail time, however, due to his failing health.

In October 2007, Denard’s sister announced he’d passed away at the age of 78. He was a man who went to extreme lengths to obtain fortune and gain power over France’s former colonies. During his time as a mercenary, he ran missions in Iran, Morocco, Gabon, Angola and Yemen under the self-appointed moniker, the “Pirate of the Republic.”

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While he often claimed support from the French government, officials denied such claims and condemned his actions, looking to improve their post-colonial image.

Clare Fitzgerald: Clare Fitzgerald is a Writer and Editor with eight years of experience in the online content sphere. Graduating with a Bachelor of Arts from King’s University College at Western University, her portfolio includes coverage of digital media, current affairs, history and true crime. Among her accomplishments are being the Founder of the true crime blog, Stories of the Unsolved, which garners between 400,000 and 500,000 views annually, and a contributor for John Lordan’s Seriously Mysterious podcast. Prior to its hiatus, she also served as the Head of Content for UK YouTube publication, TenEighty Magazine. In her spare time, Clare likes to play Pokemon GO and re-watch Heartland over and over (and over) again. She’ll also rave about her three Maltese dogs whenever she gets the chance. Writing Portfolio Stories of the Unsolved
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