The Rank of 6-Star General is So Rare That Only Two People Have Ever Been Promoted to It

Photo Credit: 1. George Rinhart / CORBIS / Getty Images 2. Stock Montage / Getty Images

The title of 6-star general has a unique and extraordinary position within the hierarchy of the US military, having been conferred only twice in its entire history. One individual achieved this rank during his lifetime, while the other posthumously received the promotion. The remarkable achievements of these two individuals underscore why they stand as the sole recipients of this highly distinguished honor.

John J. Pershing’s slow climb up the US military hierarchy

US Army officers review cadets during a graduation ceremony at United States Military Academy West Point, 1920. (Photo Credit: Paul Thompson / FPG / Getty Images)

Prior to attaining the rarefied rank of 6-star general, John J. Pershing commenced his military journey by joining the US Military Academy West Point. Following his graduation, the initial years of his military service found him engaged in conflicts against the Apache and Lakota Sioux in New Mexico, as well as other Western outposts. During his time in Montana, he ascended to the rank of first lieutenant in the 10th Cavalry Regiment.

In 1898, Pershing and the 10th Cavalry were dispatched to Cuba to participate in the Spanish-American War. He played pivotal roles in the battles of Santiago de Cuba and San Juan Hill, garnering a Silver Citation Star, which was later upgraded to the Silver Star, along with a promotion to captain. Subsequently, he was assigned to the Philippines, where he led numerous campaigns to quell the Moro Rebellion and achieved the rank of brigadier general.

In 1916, US President Woodrow Wilson entrusted Pershing with leading an expedition into Mexico to pursue the revolutionary Francisco “Pancho” Villa, who’d recently conducted a raid on Columbus, New Mexico. The pursuit entailed approximately 10,000 soldiers and spanned nearly a year. Despite Pershing’s and his men’s determined efforts, the elusive Villa remained at large.

John J. Pershing refused to sacrifice American lives

Gen. John J. Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) during World War I, arrives in France with the first US soldiers sent to fight after the country declared war on Germany. (Photo Credit: Bettmann / Getty Images)

Pershing’s elevation to the rank of 6-star general unfolded during America’s entry into the First World War in 1917. President Wilson appointed him the commander of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF), shaping the military landscape.

Dispatched to France, Pershing’s mission included compiling a General Organization Report and assembling an army of one million soldiers by 1918, with this number increasing to three million the next year. His overarching goal was to mold these recruits into a professional and effective fighting force.

While the French and British pressed for the assimilation of AEF troops into their respective forces, Pershing championed the idea of preserving the integrity of the US Army. Despite recommendations from the Supreme War Council to combine forces, Pershing resisted, describing the proposal as “pouring new wine into old bottles.”

His unwavering commitment persisted, as he refused to compromise the safety of American lives by treating them as mere cannon fodder.

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Promotion to 6-star general

Gen. John J. Pershing, 1932. (Photo Credit: Bettmann / Getty Images)

Upon Pershing’s return home, he received recognition for his contributions during WWI and earned the distinction of being the first person promoted to the esteemed rank of 6-star general. The title is formally referred to as “General of the Armies of the United States.” Since Pershing was the first to hold it, no official insignia had been established for the position. Consequently, he took it upon himself to create one, adorning gold stars, in contrast to the silver worn by other generals.

Maintaining his 6-star rank throughout the entirety of his military career, Pershing officially retired from the Army on September 13, 1924, as noted by the US Army Center of Military History. He retained this distinguished rank until his passing in 1948.

The trouble with George Washington’s military rank

Painting of George Washington by James Montgomery Flagg, 1935. (Photo Credit: GraphicaArtis / Getty Images)

Although John J. Pershing was technically the first person to be given a promotion to 6-star general, it was posthumously given to George Washington, who lived many years prior. Washington served as the first president of the United States. Prior to that, he served as commander in chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War.

Washington led the Colonial forces to victory over the British, cementing himself as a national hero. He then became the elected president of the convention that wrote the US Constitution. For everything he did, he died with his highest rank at that time: three-star lieutenant general. That meant plenty of four- and five-star generals outranked the man who built the foundation of the country.

A posthumous promotion to 6-star general

Portrait of George Washington by Constable-Hamilton, 1794. (Photo Credit: Smith Collection / Gado / Getty Images)

When Washington was promoted to lieutenant general, four- and five-star generals didn’t yet exist, yet alone the rank of six-star. As these rankings were developed, Congress agreed it was inappropriate for Washington to be outranked by officers who’d served in the American Civil War, the First World War or World War II.

On March 13, 1978, a law was passed to promote Washington to the rank of 6-star general, General of the Armies of the United States, effective July 4, 1976. It determined that “no officer of the United States Army should outrank Lieutenant General George Washington on the Army list.”

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As Pershing was also a 6-star general, he didn’t outrank Washington and was therefore allowed to keep his ranking. History will remember these two men for their exemplary service to the country, being the only two (thus far) to be granted such a high level in the US military.

Samantha Franco: Samantha Franco is a Freelance Content Writer who received her Bachelor of Arts degree in history from the University of Guelph, and her Master of Arts degree in history from the University of Western Ontario. Her research focused on Victorian, medical, and epidemiological history with a focus on childhood diseases. Stepping away from her academic career, Samantha previously worked as a Heritage Researcher and now writes content for multiple sites covering an array of historical topics. In her spare time, Samantha enjoys reading, knitting, and hanging out with her dog, Chowder!
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