The Ukrainian Snipex Alligator Rifle (AMR) Is So Powerful It Can Penetrate Armored Vehicles

Photo Credit: Сергій Воронков / Wikimedia Commons CC BY 4.0
Photo Credit: Сергій Воронков / Wikimedia Commons CC BY 4.0

Written by Samantha Franco and Clare Fitzgerald

The Snipex Alligator, developed by XADO-Holding, Ltd., debuted as an anti-materiel rifle (AMR) in 2020 and has since been exclusively used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, demonstrating its remarkable combat prowess during the Russo-Ukrainian War.

Given its proven effectiveness, the Snipex Alligator is bound to attract interest from other nations aiming to enhance their own military capabilities.

‘Enormous’ doesn’t even begin to describe the Snipex Alligator

Snipex Alligator placed in the middle of a snowy field
Snipex Alligator. (Photo Credit: Сергій Воронков / Wikimedia Commons CC BY 4.0)

The Snipex Alligator, a bolt-action rifle fed by a magazine, commands attention with its considerable size and distinctive design. It spans 79 inches when fully assembled, owed largely to its elongated barrel. By comparison, typical hunting rifles feature a 22-inch barrel, making the Alligator’s impressive 47-inch barrel more than double the norm. Alongside its length, the rifle boasts a weight of 25 kg.

To manage the challenges posed by its size, several modifications have been made to ensure it can be used practically in the field. These include a foldable four-position bipod and rear support to enhance stability. Additionally, a centrally located carrying handle allows for ease of transport for a single operator and can be adjusted for balance when equipped with a silencer.

Massive ammunition for an equally massive rifle

14.5 x 114 mm cartridges on display
14.5 x 114 mm cartridge rounds. (Photo Credit: Vitaly V. Kuzmin / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0)

Given the considerable size of the Snipex Alligator, it’s logical that its ammunition would follow suit. Adhering to a traditional rifle configuration, its chamber accommodates up to five 14.5 x 114 mm cartridges, each weighing 2.2 ounces.

Originally developed as anti-tank rounds for the Soviet-produced KPV heavy machine gun, these cartridges are large and robust. They’re capable of accommodating projectiles weighing between 59 and 66 grams, achieving velocities of up to 3,300 FPS when fired.

The rifle can penetrate up to 10mm of steel armor. 

Ukrainian soldier standing on top of a destroyed Russian tank.
The Snipex ‘Alligator’ has yet to be fully tested but has started to be used in the Russo-Ukrainian war. (Photo Credits: Juan BARRETO / AFP / Getty Images).

It’s purported that the Snipex Alligator can effectively neutralize not only enemy combatants, but also light-armored vehicles and ammunition and fuel depots. According to the manufacturer, the rifle can penetrate up to 10 mm of steel armor, from distances of between 2,000 and 7,000 meters.

However, it’s worth noting the rifle’s battlefield performance has yet to be extensively tested.

Issues with recoil

Seven rounds of 14.5 x 114 beside an American dollar bill.
14.5x114mm rounds fired by the Snipex ‘Alligator. (Photo Credits: N2Omike / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0).

Using the 14.5 x 114 mm cartridge means managing its significant recoil. Despite the Snipex Alligator incorporating measures to mitigate this, completely eliminating the recoil effect has been unattainable. That being said, the rifle’s size and weight absorb a substantial portion of the recoil energy, reducing the strain on soldiers.

As a result, the Snipex Alligator maintains a high level of stability after firing. It features a recoil-isolating buttstock, a four- or five-baffle muzzle brake and a cushioned shoulder stock, all of which collectively diminish the impact of recoil, enhancing user comfort and control.

Use of the Snipex Alligator in the Russo-Ukrainian War

Snipex T-Rex positioned in a field
Snipex T-Rex. (Photo Credit: Lancer mitsu / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0)

As aforementioned, the Snipex Alligator has been deployed in the Russo-Ukrainian War, alongside its smaller counterpart, the Snipex T-Rex. While the exact number in active service remains unknown, it is presumed most Ukrainian Special Forces units and frontline divisions have integrated it into their arsenals.

Two notable incidents underscore the formidable firepower of the Snipex Alligator. In the first, a Ukrainian sniper potentially scored a hit on a Russian soldier from a distance of 1.68 miles, marking the second-longest sniper kill in military history. The second incident showcased the remarkable efficiency of a lone sniper who eliminated five Russian soldiers within five minutes, with two of the soldiers struck by the same bullet.

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These events underscore the potency and capability of the Snipex Alligator, pending confirmation that this weapon was indeed responsible for the notable hits. As of the time of writing, the Ukrainian military has not divulged specific details regarding the exact rifle(s) employed to achieve these kills.

Samantha Franco

Samantha Franco is a Freelance Content Writer who received her Bachelor of Arts degree in history from the University of Guelph, and her Master of Arts degree in history from the University of Western Ontario. Her research focused on Victorian, medical, and epidemiological history with a focus on childhood diseases. Stepping away from her academic career, Samantha previously worked as a Heritage Researcher and now writes content for multiple sites covering an array of historical topics.

In her spare time, Samantha enjoys reading, knitting, and hanging out with her dog, Chowder!