András Tomas: The Last World War II POW To Be Repatriated Had To Wait Until 2000

Photo Credit: East News / Liaison / Getty Images
Photo Credit: East News / Liaison / Getty Images

The end of World War II came with serious logistical challenges. Between Victory In Europe (VE) Day and September 1945, some 1,417,850 Americans alone were repatriated. Other nations similarly faced the task of managing large numbers of captured prisoners of war (POWs) while simultaneously reintegrating their returning soldiers. Given the sheer volume, it was inevitable that some individuals would be overlooked. One such person, András Toma, did not return home until the year 2000.

András Toma briefly served in the Hungarian Army

Hungarian soldiers pushing a Soviet tank up an embankment
Soviet tank captured during combat, 1941. (Photo Credit: Bettmann / Getty Images)

András Toma was one of many captured as a POW in the final years of WWII. Little is known about his early life, other than he grew up in Sulyánbokor, Hungary.

Toma was drafted into the Hungarian Army in 1944 and took part in the fighting in Poland, specifically around Kraków and Auschwitz. Early the following year, while retreating from the Red Army in the area surrounding the camp, he was taken as a Soviet POW. He was only 19.

Toma and his comrades were put on a train for 21 days while they were transported to Boksitogorsk, near Saint Petersburg. This was the first of many horrors he’d endure. He witnessed many of his fellow POWs perish during the journey and was forced to remain in the boxcar with them.

Sent to a psychiatric hospital

Hungarian troops standing together in the snow
Hungarian troops near the Polish border, 1939. (Photo Credit: Bettmann / Getty Images)

András Toma fell ill while at the POW camp and was moved to the military hospital at Bistrjag for treatment. By January 1947, he still hadn’t been returned to Hungary; instead, he was transferred to a Soviet psychiatric hospital in Kotel’nich. Records from this period indicate he was diagnosed with “psycho-neurosis,” which necessitated his treatment there.

The issue was that these hospitals were not part of the military system, causing the Soviets to lose all records of Toma. The hospital managed to address his mental health issues, which were reportedly cleared up by 1953. However, he was not released because the staff suspected something else was wrong, as he only spoke in an incomprehensible language. It turned out he was speaking Hungarian.

In 1954, the last of the Hungarian POWs were returned home, but Toma was not among them. Having disappeared from official records, he was declared dead. He spent the next 43 years living, receiving care at the same psychiatric hospital.

András Toma’s identity is discovered

András Toma sitting in a chair while holding a pair of crutches
András Toma, 2000. (Photo Credit: IZVESTIA / AFP / Getty Images)

András Toma learned little-to-no Russian and began to speak very little Hungarian. Yet, in 1997, his identity was discovered.

A Slovakian doctor visited the psychiatric hospital and quickly realized Toma spoke a very old Hungarian dialect, not gibberish. The Hungarian Embassy was subsequently told of the encounter. Officials stepped in and got him transferred from the Russian hospital to a Hungarian one.

Toma returned to Hungary on August 11, 2000. Understandably, his arrival was highly publicized. One woman, Anna Gabulya, saw the event on her television. She was immediately struck by his likeness to her father and wondered if this mysterious soldier could be her half-brother. Many different families claimed he was their long-lost relative, but, thanks to research and DNA tests, Hungarian authorities were able to confirm he was related to Gabulya.

Repatriated after several decades

András Toma lived out the rest of his years with Anna Gabulya and her husband. Although it was initially a difficult transition for them all, he eventually settled and began to feel safe helping out in the home. It took time, but he later admitted he was Toma, after years of living as “Irsai.”

Toma was highly praised upon his return home and promoted to sergeant major. The Ministry of Defence also honored his years of continuous service as a POW by paying him the salary he never received.

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On March 30, 2004, Toma died at the age of 78. He was buried with full military honors in front of a crowd of thousands. Although his return left many feeling hopeful that their war dead might also come home one day, there have been no other Second World War-era POWs discovered since. He truly was, as his nickname suggests, the “last POW.”

Rosemary Giles

Rosemary Giles is a history content writer with Hive Media. She received both her bachelor of arts degree in history, and her master of arts degree in history from Western University. Her research focused on military, environmental, and Canadian history with a specific focus on the Second World War. As a student, she worked in a variety of research positions, including as an archivist. She also worked as a teaching assistant in the History Department.

Since completing her degrees, she has decided to take a step back from academia to focus her career on writing and sharing history in a more accessible way. With a passion for historical learning and historical education, her writing interests include social history, and war history, especially researching obscure facts about the Second World War. In her spare time, Rosemary enjoys spending time with her partner, her cats, and her horse, or sitting down to read a good book.