Is it true that German-Americans went to Europe to fight for Germany during WWII?

Photo Credit: Topical Press Agency / Getty Images

In the 2001 HBO miniseries Band of Brothers, Tech. Sgt. Donald Malarkey, portrayed by Scott Grimes, asks a German prisoner of war where he’s from. The response? Eugene, Oregon. The prisoner goes on to explain that his family felt duty-bound to answer the call of the fatherland. This exchange raises an intriguing question: how many German Americans left the United States to fight for Germany during World War II?

The exact numbers are unknown

German soldiers stationed along the Eastern Front, 1941. (Photo Credit: CORBIS / Getty Images)

The problem with this question is that there’s no hard numbers that can be used to make a determination. There were programs and schemes prior to and during the Second World War, which encouraged ethnic Germans to return to Germany. However, the success of these approaches, in terms of enlisted soldiers, is unknown.

According to George Nafziger’s The German Order of Battle: Waffen SS and Other Units In World War II, the Waffen-SS had five German Americans within its ranks during WWII. They were classified as “US Volksdeutsche,” meaning they were of German descent. In the book itself, these individuals are listed as a footnote among other data regarding the nationality of SS personnel.

Among the programs used to encourage ethnic Germans was the Rüeckwanderer, which urged people to go to their German consulate and swear allegiance to Germany. They needed to state their intent to return to the country, after which they were given access to a special currency that could be spent in Germany.

It’s unknown how many individuals returned before the program ended, nor do we know how many fought for the fatherland.

German American Bund

German American Bund parade, 1939. (Photo Credit: New York World-Telegram and The Sun Staff Photographer / Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division / New York-World Telegram and The Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

The German American Bund served as an American ally to the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Although its message may have inspired some German Americans to travel to Germany to fight in WWII, the organization overall did not achieve its intended goals.

Modeled after Germany’s government, the German American Bund ran multiple training camps throughout the US. The organization held rallies to spread Germany’s message, and, like the Führer, its leaders condemned Communism and expressed anti-Semitic views.

The Bund’s first leader was WWI veteran Fritz Julius Kuhn, a German-American who was later imprisoned on embezzlement charges. This event caused disarray within the organization, and subsequent leaders struggled to match Kuhn’s influence.

The German American Bund was closely monitored by the US government, largely because of its draft evasion campaign. This scrutiny led to additional leaders facing prosecution—one even fled to Mexico to escape the authorities.

The organization’s records lack any propaganda explicitly urging German Americans to return to Germany. If there were calls to fight for the fatherland, they did not originate from within the US.

Many important documents didn’t survive the war

Red Army infantry advance along the Eastern Front, 1942. (Photo Credit: Three Lions / Getty Images)

The scarcity of data could also be because of where most German losses occurred: the Eastern Front. It’s unlikely that the Soviets paid much attention to the immigration status of the German soldiers they killed or captured; their main focus would have been on the fact that these individuals were German.

Another potential explanation for the lack of records is the nature of the war itself. Bombing raids targeted cities where documents related to immigration and the repatriation of soldiers were housed. As a result, many of these records likely didn’t survive, as they may not have been considered important at the time.

These documents would have been the only records of German Americans returning to Germany to fight. The only other documentation would exist if these individuals returned to the United States or were pursued by the Allies. If they came back to America, they would have been required to explain their whereabouts and account for their activities.

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Martin James Monti deserted the USAAF and the Waffen-SS

Martin James Monti, 1946. (Photo Credit: Alvin Gordon & Charles Higham / Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group / Wikimedia Commons CC BY 3.0)

There were a few cases where non-German Americans joined the German military. The most famous was Martin James Monti, a second lieutenant within the US Army Air Forces (USAAF).

Monti grew up listening to radio broadcasts by Roman Catholic priest Charles Coughlin, who spoke highly of Germany and Italy’s fascist governments. He was commissioned as a flight officer into the USAAF in early 1944, and while stationed in Italy he stole a Lockheed P-5E Lightning. He flew to Milan, where he surrendered to the Germans.

The aircraft was tested by the Luftwaffe‘s Zirkus Rosarius unit and Monti was given a spot in the SS‘ propaganda unit, in Berlin. While on the radio, he spoke under an alias. Outside of these duties, he also helped create a propaganda leaflet that was handed out to Allied POWs.

In 1945, aware of Germany’s imminent defeat, Monti fled Berlin. At first, the Allies believed him to be a German POW, but under interrogation he revealed he’d deserted the USAAF. He claimed to have stolen the P-5E because he was “bored,” adding he did so to “personally fight the Germans himself.” He said he’d been shot down during his flight and wound up joining a partisan group.

Surprisingly, the Americans believed Monti’s story and only court-martialed him on charges of desertion and theft. While he was initially sentenced to 15 years in prison, this was later suspended by US President Harry S. Truman, on the condition he re-enlist with the USAAF, later the US Air Force. He did just that, receiving an honorable discharge in January 1948.

Immediately following his discharge, the FBI arrested Monti for his propaganda work in Germany. He was subsequently indicted on 21 acts of treason, to which he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 25 years in prison. He served his sentence in Kansas, and at one point tried to withdraw his plea, claiming he’d been pressured to admit to the charges against him by his attorney.

Monti’s appeal was ultimately rejected, and he remained in prison until he was paroled in 1960.

Donald Malarkey said the encounter in Band of Brothers did occur

Donald Malarkey, 2009. (Photo Credit: Chris Radburn – PA Images / Getty Images)

The WWII-era German-American POW depicted in Band of Brothers is believed to have been based on a real person. The real-life Donald Malarkey later recalled the incident did occur, although there are no after-action reports to corroborate his story.

Malarkey served as a non-commissioned officer with Easy Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. He participated in several engagements during WWII, including Mission Albany, Operation Market Garden and the Battle of Bastogne.

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The truth is we’ll likely never actually know how many German Americans went to fight for Germany during WWII. We’ll also never know how common such a decision was among the 1.2 million individuals of German descent who lived in the US at the start of the conflict.

Claudia Mendes: Claudia Mendes holds a BA Archeology from the University of Leicester. During her degree, she focused on medieval fortifications. She works as a freelance writer and stays up to date with historical and archeological news.
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