The War Hero Who Twice Landed His Aircraft in New York City (While Drunk)

Photo Credit: MidJourney
Photo Credit: MidJourney

Thomas Fitzpatrick was a World War II and Korean War veteran who stole and landed an aircraft in front of a bar in New York City, New York, while intoxicated. Two years later, he did it a second time (while drunk) because a bar patron didn’t believe his story.

Fitzpatrick wound up being fined $100 for his first unauthorized night flight, and he was lucky the aircraft’s owner didn’t press charges, or he would’ve been in real trouble.

What do we know about Thomas Fitzpatrick?

American and Chinese soldiers gathered together outside
Photo Credit: Keystone / Getty Images

Not much is known about Thomas Fitzpatrick’s childhood. We do know he was born on April 24, 1930, in Washington Heights, Manhattan. He enlisted in the US military during the Second World War and saw action in the Pacific Theater, after which he’d received an honorable discharge.

However, even though historical sources claim Fitzpatrick was a US Marine during World War II, it does seem strange. Even if he joined up in the final year of the conflict (1945), he’d have been only 15. The age for admission into the US Armed Forces was 18 – 17, with parental consent.

Of course, judging by the man’s pluck and complete disregard for the rules, he probably lied about his age.

Serving in the Korean War

US Marines lying on the ground, along the edge of a hill
Photo Credit: Hulton Archive / Getty Images

A few years later, Thomas Fitzpatrick rejoined the military to fight in the Korean War. It was there that his mettle truly showed. The young man, who was now officially allowed to be a soldier, showed great bravery, subsequently receiving the Silver Star and the Purple Heart.

We can learn about his gallantry from his Purple Heart citation: “During a strategic withdrawal, Corporal Fitzpatrick noticed a wounded officer, about 100 yards forward of his position. In attempting a rescue, he and a companion were seriously wounded.

“Cpl. Fitzpatrick – despite severe pain and loss of blood – made it back to safety, directed a second successful rescue party, organized and provided covering fire to support the rescue.”

Fitzpatrick returned to the United States in 1952. He soon sought out gainful employment, becoming a unionized steam lifter in New Jersey. It was during this time that he pursued a passion for flying. In his spare time, he took flying lessons at the Teterboro School of Aeronautics, a skill that would soon take him to new heights (literally) in the annals of drunken antics.

Thomas Fitzpatrick takes to the skies

AI rendering of an aircraft flying over a Manhattan street at night
Photo Credit: MidJourney

Thomas Fitzpatrick enjoyed the occasional stay in Upper Manhattan, where he’d indulge in some light drinking. On September 29, 1956, at around 3:00 AM, he found himself in a corner bar during a bachelor party. It’s safe to say that things started to get out of hand. One of Fitzpatrick’s buddies said he couldn’t make it from New Jersey to Manhattan in 15 minutes, and the veteran felt he had no choice but to take the man up on the challenge.

It wasn’t long before the bar patrons heard an aircraft; it sounded as if it was flying above the bar. Naturally, everybody vacated the establishment, ran out onto the street, and saw a red and white Cessna navigating its way between New York’s skyscrapers.

It was an incredible sight, but a dangerous feat. How Fitzpatrick managed to squeeze the aircraft’s 32-foot wingspan through the city’s streets without touching any of the buildings, especially in his drunken state, is a miracle. The ancient Roman God of Wine, Bacchus, must have laid a protective hand over him that night.

The Cessna gradually descended, landing on the 60-foot-wide stretch of St. Nicholas Avenue, close to 191st Street. Fitzpatrick had landed at 3:00 AM – just in time for last call. He taxied the aircraft in front of the bar, jumped out and, ignoring his friends, went inside to order a beer before the establishment closed.

There were repercussions for the spontaneous flight

AI rendering of two police officers standing next to an aircraft in the middle of a Manhattan street
Photo Credit: MidJourney

Naturally, the police arrived on scene. Thomas Fitzpatrick told them that he’d borrowed the aircraft for his night flight, with the explanation that he just needed to fly. It goes without saying that his telling of the story involved much drunken embellishment. Not knowing what else to do, the cops arrested him.

“A fine landing” and “a feat of aeronautics,” is what The New York Times called it the next day. It was a “100,000-to-one shot,” according to Sgt. Harold Behrens of the Police Aviation Bureau.

Fitzpatrick was arraigned on charges of grand larceny and violation of the City of New York’s administrative code, which forbids the landing of aircraft within the city’s limits. “A great many terrible things could have happened,” admonished Judge Edward J. Chapman, who set the veteran’s bail at $5,000, “as a deterrent to other foolish young men who get drunk and fly a plane.”

Ultimately, the charge of grand larceny was dropped because the aircraft’s owner didn’t wish to press charges – he actually found the act funny. It goes without saying, however, that Fitzpatrick’s temporary pilot’s license was suspended for six months. He was also given a $100 fine.

A second (drunken) flight

Aircraft parked in the middle of a Manhattan street at night
Photo Credit: MidJourney

Almost getting off scot-free, Thomas Fitzpatrick went back to his quiet life as a steamfitter. He married his wife, Helen, in June 1958, and it appeared he’d learned his lesson… Wrong! The lure of drunken adventure and fool’s pride was just too great.

The second time Fitzpatrick illegally took to the skies was two years later, when he was drunk at a bar and telling the man sitting next to him about his first flight. When his new drinking friend didn’t believe him, what did this veteran go and do? Steal another aircraft and repeat the entire process.

This was how a New York bus driver described Fitzpatrick’s landing on Amsterdam Avenue 191st Street on October 4, 1958:

“I just got into my seat when all of a sudden I heard something that sounded like a large fan… I looked in my rearview mirror and saw this plane coming at me. He landed alongside me. The plane hit the ground and bounced 20 feet in the air. I thought he was going to take off again. Then he hit the ground again and taxied down to 187th Street.”

John Johnson, 34, also witnessed the daring spectacle, telling the authorities, “I didn’t know what to imagine; I slammed on my brakes, and a plane skidded over the top of my car and made a perfect landing ahead of me. I saw a [tall, blond, and husky] man [wearing a gray suit] get out and run toward St. Nicholas Avenue on 187th Street.”

Thomas Fitzpatrick suffered the consequences of his actions

Janitor standing outside of a prison cell
Photo Credit: Three Lions / Hulton Archive / Getty Images

Thomas Fitzpatrick was arraigned on charges of grand larceny for a second time and, this time around, they stuck.

“Your trouble is you do not know when to stop drinking,” the judge said during the court proceedings. “The last time you paid a $100 fine. If you had been seriously and properly jolted the first time, it’s possible this would not have occurred a second time, and maybe you wouldn’t be standing here today. There is no doubt in my mind that you were intoxicated and were in a measure dared by a drinking companion when you were in this silly semi-intoxicated condition.”

The Judge did take Fitzpatrick’s exemplary military record into consideration when handing down his verdict. “The best I have ever seen, without a doubt,” he said, referring to the Purple Heart and Silver Star. He then added, “You’re not going to make an airstrip out of a New York City street. There is no doubt that making airstrips of New York City streets is fraught with danger.”

Fitzpatrick replied that it was “the lousy drink” that caused him to pull the stunt. However, the judge was unyielding and sentenced him to six months in prison.

Thomas Fitzpatrick’s flights are the stuff of legend

AI rendering of an aircraft parked in the middle of a Manhattan street at night
Photo Credit: MidJourney

Thomas Fitzpatrick’s flights are, to this day, the stuff of legend. The veteran never did fly into New York City again. He went back to working as a steamfitter, was active in his local community and very well respected. He lived quietly with his three sons and his wife.

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On September 14, 2009, Fitzpatrick passed away, at the age of 79. He’ll always be remembered as a war hero and the most daring civilian night flier the world has ever seen.

Christian Oord

Christian Oord is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE