WWII-era German aircraft flying over a destroyed city
Dorie Miller wearing his Navy Cross
Joltin' Josie the Pacific Pioneer crew standing around the B-29 Superfortress + Map showing the location NOAA researchers will be searching for the downed World War II-era aircraft
Military portrait of Karl Plagge
Protestor in Ukraine holding up a protest sign + Russian soldiers lined up
Sterling Archer in the Jungle
David Marshall Williams standing + A U.S. Marine holding an M1 Carbine
American sailors and Marines armed with sticks during the Zoot Suit Riots
A US Navy version of the Brewster Buffalo takes flight
Chief Warrant Officer 2 Cheddie Wilson Jr. recreates a photo of Warrant Officer Clyde Romero
Charles Jackson French, a hero of World War II
Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders stand at the top of San Juan Hill