7 Battles Where Terrain was Decisive
Whether used well by a skilled commander or ignored by a disastrous one, terrain can play a huge part in deciding the outcome of battles,…
George H. Bush Narrowly Escaped Being Executed and Eaten By The Japanese in WWII
In September 1944, the USS Finback submarine surfaced a few miles off the coast of Chichi Jima, an island some 700 miles South of Tokyo.…
Treasure Hunters Found Some WWII Tubes In A Forest, They Contained The Most Amazing Things!
Hunting for hidden treasure has long been a romantic and adventurous activity in our history. The Gold Rush spurred a huge migration across the US,…
5 Things You Don’t Know About: Flamethrowers
Warning: contains shocking material. This video shows the applications in battle of one of the most psychologically terrifying weapons in the world. What is a flamethrower?…
Top 10 Funniest Scenes from War Movies
Ladies and Gentlemen, we proudly present to you a list of 11 funny scenes from War Movies! As we all know, war is brutal, sad,…
Five Things You Don’t Know: M4 Carbine (Watch)
The M4 Carbine is the primary infantry weapon of the United States Armed Forces. It replaces the M16 Assault Rifle, which is longer and heavier.…
Broadsword calling Danny Boy – Where Eagles Dare, Facts, Figures & Goofs
Where Eagles Dare is a World War 2 movie that was made in 1968. This movie starred Clint Eastwood, Mary Ure, and Richard Burton. The…
The Family That Survived A U-Boat Attack
Many people fantasize about the excitement, the challenge and the adrenalin rush of high adventure. They envy those who parachute from burning planes, flee from…
Croatia Jews Avoid Official Holocaust Event Over Neo-Nazi Sentiment
Croatian Jews protested the government’s official Holocaust commemoration ceremony in the Jasenovac death camp by holding their own ceremony a week ahead of schedule. Jasenovac…
Man Discovers WWII Love Letters While Renovating His House
Jerry Wilson was renovating his home in New Jersey when he discovered a leather trunk in the attic. Inside the trunk were love letters, telegrams…
Chosin Reservoir Medal of Honor Recipient Hector Cafferata Died Age 86
Hector Cafferata passed away on April 12 at the age of 86. Cafferata received a Congressional Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest decoration for wartime…
April 28, 1945: The Death of Mussolini
On the 28th of April 1945, Benito Mussolini died. The leader of Fascist Italy and longest-ruling of the right-wing dictators who brought destruction to 20th…