The Alamo, Chancellorsville And Borodino, Was Victory Really Worth The Cost?
A few weeks ago an article covering some victories throughout history provoked quite a bit of discussion. These victories came at such a cost that…
British Women in WWII – By World Of Tanks
Women played important roles during World War II, both at home and in uniform. World War II involved global conflict on an unprecedented scale;…
Top Ten Underrated Military TV Shows
For whatever reason, some of the best shows on television are canceled, short-lived, or never reach syndication. Some do but fizzle out after a few…
Vice Admiral Stockdale: “Hanoi Hilton” Beats His Face With a Stool, Cuts His Scalp & Wrists to Stop North Vietnamese Propaganda Attempts
He was a POW for years, and instead of beating up his captors, chose to beat himself up, instead. His reward? To be laughed at…
The Capture of the Bridge Over the Rhine at Remagen, 7 March 1945
On 7 March 1945, Allied troops captured the Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen. This surprise success allowed thousands of troops to cross the River Rhine and…
Nerves of Steel! Pilot Waits Until The Very Last Second To Eject Burning Harrier
After an uneventful mission over Afganistan, two Harrier Jump jets come in to land back at Kandahar. Because it was very busy they were told…
This Lego Aircraft Carrier Is Massive – Check Out The Pictures
Artist Ed Diment used 250,000 lego bricks to assemble an amazing 22-foot-long, 550 pound model of the USS Intrepid. The model USS Intrepid is nearly…
Britain’s Hero Bomb Disposal Expert – Dismantled 7 Consecutive Bombs To Clear Path For Wounded Soldiers
When a British soldier receives The George Cross decoration, you know he’s done something outstanding. This highly honored decoration was created in 1940 by King…
Top 11 Stupid Moves of Early World War 1 I THE GREAT WAR
In August 1915, the First World War was one-year-old and because we all love these lists, let us take a look at the biggest mistakes…
Russia plans to lead the way in the next generation of space-based defence
Space station from Moonraker As the world moves towards a new era of space-based defence, Russia wants to be the first country to develop and…
Exhibition Showcases Propaganda Battle Between Australian and Japan in WWII
The Pacific War is often mistakenly seen as a conflict between America and the Japanese. In fact Australia played a very important role in the…