US Coast Guard personnel pulling Japanese crewmen aboard a vessel
Artist's representation of a Japanese samurai
Archaeologist holding a Roman-era sword found in a cave
Top of the time capsule discovered at West Point
Confederate Memorial standing above Confederate graves at Arlington National Cemetery
Joe Biden placing the Medal of Honor around Larry Taylor's neck
Mushroom cloud rising over Hiroshima + Kiyoshi Tanimoto sitting at a table + Military portrait of Robert A. Lewis
David Schwimmer as Herbert Sobel in 'Band of Brothers'
Martin Sheen as Capt. Benjamin Willard in 'Apocalypse Now' + Robert Duvall as Lt. Col. William "Bill" Kilgore in 'Apocalypse Now' + Portrait of Clint Eastwood
Harry Truman sitting at his desk + Purple Heart
Robert Shaw as Quint in 'Jaws'
Prince Harry saluting with other British service members