Soldier standing near the cathedral in Cologne's city center
US soldier reading a magazine while sitting in a river
Aerial view of Combat Outpost (COP) Keating + Andrew Bundermann wearing a suit
U-boat sinking at sea + Military portrait of Frederic Walker
Human shadow on the steps at the entrance of the Hiroshima branch of Sumitomo Bank
Aircraft flying over Tybee Island + Mark 15 nuclear bomb on a dolly
Pvt. L.H. Johnson and Sgt. D.R. Fairborn manning a PIAT anti-tank gun
HMS Prince of Wales (53) at sea
Ahmet Ali Çelikten standing in his pilot's uniform
Close-up of Light Vessel 72's light tower + Light Vessel 72 moored along the river Neath
Tom Cruise as Capt. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell in 'Top Gun: Maverick'
Tupelov Tu-160 in flight