Frank Luke standing in front of his SPAD S.XIII
American soldiers sitting in a landing craft at sea
PFC Capezza setting fire to a hut + Military portrait of Hugh Thompson Jr. + Soldier's Medal
Two gold-plated Desert Eagles on display
USS Thresher (SS-200) at sea
USS Enterprise (CVN-65) at sea + USS Arleigh Burke (DDG-51) at sea
Soviet-era monument in Glubczyce, Poland
The Teufelsberg + the Wolf's lair.
Mark Hamill standing on a red carpet + Volodymyr Zelenskyy wearing military fatigues
Swiss guard standing in front of a line of sandbags
Nambu pistol against a white backdrop
Lobby area with "007" on the wall + Hut at the Hilton Seychelles Northolme Resort & Spa