Mushroom cloud rising into the sky + Kim il-Sung holding a glass of liquor + Richard Nixon drinking from a cocnut
Rip sitting on a pile of rubble + Dickin Medal
US soldiers watching South Vietnamese run toward grounded helicopters
Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class James E. Foehl tosses a flashbang grenade while two other armed servicemen watch
Aerial view of Kaga at sea
North American X-15 in flight
Winston Churchill aiming a Thompson "Tommy Gun" while standing with American soldiers
Italian soldiers walking down a street while waving white flags
Lee Harvey Oswald holding his Carcano rifle and a newspaper in his backyard + John F. and Jacqueline Kennedy riding in a car with Texas Governor John Connally and his wife, Nellie Brill
Maïwenn and Johnny Depp as Jeanne Bécu, Comtesse du Barry and King Louis XV in 'Jeanne du Barry'
Fortune cookie cracked open with a slip of paper reading "fortune favors the bold"
Cessna O-1 Bird Dog in flight