As of 2019, the United States housed a total of 1,380,427 inmates in prisons, including those managed by the military. Over the last century, the approach to incarceration has evolved a lot, with the federal prison system adopting a standardized model designed to help inmates reflect on their past actions while gaining practical skills for daily living.While the federal prison system draws some inspiration from military-operated facilities, the experiences they provide are vastly different.
What is a military prison?
Military prisons are typically used to house prisoners of war (POWs), unlawful combatants, those who pose a risk to national security and military members who have been found guilty of serious crimes. Due to the unique nature of these facilities, they typically fall into two categories: penal, to punish or reform, and confinement-oriented, housing those who pose a security threat.
The US military’s correctional system is organized into three tiers consisting of 59 prison facilities. Level One is the lowest and typically consists of pre- and post-trial inmates with sentences of no more than one year. Level Two, which houses the majority of prisoners, holds those with sentences of up to seven years, while level three makes use of the maximum-security facility at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas to house the most dangerous criminals.
Military prisons have changed a lot since they first opened
Since the establishment of the first military prison in 1874, their operations and the nature of the offenders housed within them have undergone many changes. Following the end of the draft in the 1970s, the profile of offenses shifted from desertion to more severe crimes. For instance, in 2002, the most common offenses among military inmates included assault, drug possession, and trafficking. A big portion of these inmates were White men with high school diplomas who had committed crimes against other individuals.
Over time, the structured systems in military prisons have proven effective, largely due to the incorporation of vocational training, support programs, and alternative approaches like boot camps. Many of these methods have been adopted by the federal prison system for civilian use. But how do the experiences of military prisoners compare to those in other systems?
The facilities differ between military and civilian prisons
Military prisons uphold the same standards and protocols as the Armed Forces. Just like during basic training, prisoners are expected to keep their facilities clean and tidy. If something becomes unkempt, they can expect to be disciplined immediately. Thanks to military funding, the facilities for prisoners are already well-maintained.
Civilian prisons, on the other hand, don’t have the same luxuries as military facilities. Inmates are also expected to keep their living quarters clean, but do so with less discipline and even less funding. As such, cleanliness isn’t much of a priority in federal prisons.
Military prisons follow a strict daily schedule
Military prisons begin their day at 6:00 AM with roll call. In typical military fashion, inmates follow a strict schedule that consists of meals, maintenance and workshops. Weekends feature more time for relaxation and recreation.
Military prisons have better food
Food is a big part of prison life, and military prisons are known for having much better meals than civilian facilities. Guards in military prisons have strict rules in place that prohibit inmates from taking food outside of the dining hall, while civilian inmates have little to no oversight regarding this, allowing for trading to occur. Federal institutions also have access to a commissary that allows prisoners to purchase food and other goods.
Civilian prison guards are more likely to be corrupt
Guards stationed at military prisons are typically military police or from a local security forces unit. As uniformed personnel, they have the same obligations as inmates to uphold order and maintain discipline. Since they’re trained to provide services to all branches of the military, they usually treat inmates with respect.
Unfortunately, many civilian prisoners clash with corrupt guards. There are “chill” ones who complete their rounds and retire to the break room, as well as overly-corrective guards who assert their authority through intimidation, building resentment among inmates. Some guards even abuse their power and take advantage of prisoners, something that happens less often in a military setting, where both guards and inmates are treated equally.
Military prisoners aren’t allowed to salute their fellow officers
While most aspects of life in a military prison are surprisingly similar to life in the service, one important tradition is actually prohibited: the salute. Military inmates aren’t allowed to salute officers; doing so is actually a punishable offense. Prisoners aren’t allowed to salute officers because it’s seen as inappropriate for a superior to return the gesture.
Ranks are removed for inmates
Ranks are also removed upon imprisonment. In 2012, Lt. Col. Ken Pinkela was found guilty of felony assault, willful disobedience, abusive contact and conduct unbecoming of an officer. He was taken to the US Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth to serve out his sentence.
As one of the highest-ranking inmates, Pinkela struggled to come to terms with his loss of rank, which he’d worked for 20 years to achieve. “In Leavenworth, your former rank carries no weight,” he told The Marshall Project. “On the day I went in, the silver oak leaves emblazoned on my uniform that signaled what I was were taken away from me, and I became an inmate – a prisoner to a country that I swore to protect and serve.”
Use of solitary confinement
One of the more harrowing parts of imprisonment is solitary confinement – or “the hole.” The punishment is used in both military and civilian prisons if an inmate disobeys an order or commits an offense. According to Quartz, solitary confinement in the US is “inflicted upon at least 80,000 inmates, including juveniles, often for months or years.”
No human interaction
Military prisoners can be placed in solitary for up to six months, where they sit in an eight-by-seven-foot room with a toilet, sink, bed and light. They receive no human interaction, with food shoved through a small slot in the door. Sometimes, all it takes to be thrown into solitary is having old toothpaste.
Former US Army soldier Chelsea Manning, who was imprisoned at Fort Leavenworth, was threatened with indefinite solitary confinement for possessing expired toothpaste, dropping food on the floor, and allegedly having copies of Vanity Fair and Cosmopolitan.
Rehabilitation of prisoners
One of the main objectives of prison is to rehabilitate criminals and prepare them for reentry into society. Rehabilitation programs are especially important for military prisoners who will be given a dishonorable discharge upon their release, as they’ll need a new skill or trade upon reentering the civilian world. Military prisons offer training for inmates in carpentry, auto repair, cooking, hospitality and more.
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Civilian prisons also provide inmates with opportunities for learning and growth. Resources to obtain high school diplomas, learn skilled trades and special programs for substance abuse are provided. Inmates can also take college courses, at their own expense. Unfortunately, these opportunities are not as readily available to civilian prisoners as they are to military inmates.
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