Battle of Peleliu | War History

Japan to Exhume Over 1,000 War Dead on Peleliu

US Marines watching a flamethrower being fired at Japanese fortifications on Peleliu

Eighty years after the bloody Battle of Peleliu, the Japanese government plans to exhume over 1,000 war dead from the Pacific island. The country’s Health,…

USS Independence (CVL-22): The First Dedicated Night Carrier of the US Navy

USS Independence (CVL-22) at sea

A number of vessels took part in the fighting that occurred in the Pacific Theater during the Second World War. Among the most unique was…

The Medal of Honor Recipient Who Shot Someone He Accused of Being a Communist Spy

Arthur Jackson shaking hands with President Harry Truman

Arthur Jackson enlisted in the US Marine Corps when he was only 18 years old. He quickly became a super soldier, earning both the Purple…

Peleliu Was One of the Bloodiest Battles in Marine Corps History

Todd Neikirk
American troops making an advance

The Imperial Japanese Army and Navy were known for their rigidity and resistance to change. Owing to the terrain of the land, however, their service…

Chesty Puller: The Most Decorated Marine in US History

Military portrait of Chesty Puller

Chesty Puller is a name synonymous with the US Marine Corps. The most decorated Marine in the service’s history, he served during three wars and…

Palau island Japanese war caves excavated

Palau island

Palau island has begun to excavate hundreds of miles of secret cave networks in which Japanese troops hid and died during the war. The Emperor…