WWII | War History

Top 12 of the Best World War Two Movies We Could Find, With Trailers!

We present you a list of twelve of the best WWII movies of all time. See if your favorite Second World War picture is included in…

Battle of the Bulge – Christmas in the Eyes of a WWII Veteran

“Christmas never comes around that I don’t think of the Battle of the Bulge.”  Sergeant Malcolm “Buck” Marsh Jr. spent Christmas this year surrounded by…

Christmas with GIs: How American Soldiers Took The Place of British Fighting Men During WWII

American GIs sent to Britain during the height of WWII were repeatedly described as “overpaid, oversexed and over here” but at least, on Christmas they…

Italian Pigs – La Decima – Manned Torpedoes And Kamikaze Style Speedboat Attacks

Under the rule of Benito Mussolini, an Italian frogman unit called La Decima was created. This special unit consisted of men capable of the most…

Irena Sendlerowa Saved over 2,500 Jewish Kids From the Warsaw Ghetto, Smuggling Them Out in Suitcases or Medical Bags

During WWII, Irena Sendlerowa, a Catholic Polish social worker, saved 2,500 Jewish children from death. That’s more than Oscar Schindler managed with 1,200. Though recognized…

“A Nazi Guide to Christmas” Leaflet Found; Instructs Party Members How Christmas Should be Celebrated

Unearthed from an archive in the German city of Dresden is a leaflet with the printed title stating A Nazi Guide to Christmas. The said pamphlet lists a number of…

One of the Funniest Men Alive, Mel Brooks Spent WWII Clearing Land Mines

The history of war is full of heroes who displayed inexplicable gallantry and heroism under the most harrowing of circumstances.  And then, there are just…

After A Mid Air Collision – One Pilot Lands Two Planes AT ONCE!

In 1940, two planes collided in mid-air over Australia. Remarkably, there were no fatalities. Even more remarkably, the pilot responsible for saving the planes was…

What if America Had Been Conquered in WWII?

Imagine a world in which America had been partitioned at the end of the Second World War, one sector west of the Rockies being governed…

World War II Guided Gliding bombs, Made in Germany & America

The huge explosion and black billowing smoke column give evidence to the incredible success of a secret guided gliding bomb named Fritz X.  Launched 9 Sept.…

Trying to Disprove Truth – The Holocaust Deniers

Why would anyone want to deny the Holocaust ever happened? How can they bring into question historical facts and eyewitness testimony? It all comes down…

Master Sergeant Roddie Edmonds, American Hero Who Saved Hundreds of Jewish Soldiers in WWII

Perhaps there is a point in a soldier’s life, where he is so certain that he might die that he would rather dictate the terms…