WWII | War History

Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer – The Night Fighter Ace Who Shot Down 7 Lancaster Bombers In 19 Minutes

Once you know the story of Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer, it’s pretty hard to forget. Schnaufer was an incredibly skilled pilot. He was arguably one of the…

Pop Charts of WWII, Songs You Forgot! – Glenn Miller, Vera Lynn, Marlene Dietrich & More!

Since the days of the ram’s horn, music has been a part of war. During WWII, the Office of War Information urged musicians to create…

Australia’s WWII Lend Lease program

On 10 January 1941, Draft H.R. 1776 – the “Lend Lease Bill” was presented to the United States Congress. Under the proposed act, the President…

Killing Heydrich, the Butcher of Prague

It all began on September 30, 1938 when the Munich Agreement was signed. With this agreement, England and France gave the Nazi dictator, Adolf Hitler…

Did You Know The Nazi’s Killed 16,000 People By Guillotine?

When you think of a guillotine, your mind usually pictures a medieval setting with a castle, a crowd of peasants and villagers ready for a…

Soviet Maps of the Cold War

For decades two super powers of the world locked their horns in a seemingly idiotic and potentially catastrophic tussle, and kept the civilized world on…

German Blitzkrieg At The Start of World War Two


[Via] While most of the world commemorates 70 years since the end of World War Two this year, the war began back in the beginning…

Tokyo Rose – The Traitor From Tokyo – Convicted AND Pardoned

Who is Tokyo Rose? Was she just an engrossing DJ working from a radio booth or was she a dangerous propagandist who undermined the morale…

New biography tells real life Great Escape character

The World War Two veteran who was played by Steve McQueen in Hollywood movie, The Great Escape, is the subject of a new biography. William…

WWII Veteran and a Beloved Community Worker Dies at 99

A decorated veteran of the Second World War, who took part in D-Day invasion and a number of battles in North African, has passed away…

In commemoration of Flight Lt. James Brindley Nicholson and ‘The Few’, Britain’s Typhoon gains the 1940 Colours

James Brindley Nicholson

[Via] “Bravery is its own reward” echoing through the air at supersonic speeds, as the Royal Air Force colors its Typhoon Fighter Jet with the…

Monte Cassino – A Monument To German Bravery

On the 15th February, 1944, 1400 tons of high explosives were dropped by the Allied forces advancing upon Rome, on the Benedictine monastery of Monte…