WWII | War History

The Covert Operations of Force Benedict

Ian Harvey
Force Benedict

Eric Carter was a member of Force Benedict in WWII, and in that capacity he was partially responsible for carrying out one of the most…

WWII vet who helped take 3,000 servicemen to their final resting place dies


Kenny Smith helped in the burial services of more than 3,000 veterans at the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery. He recorded the names, dates and accounts…

WWII Grave Brings Woman Closer to Father

Ian Harvey
WWII Grave

French citizen Marc Corriger recently adopted the WWII grave of Private First Class Richard Magnon, a Minnesotan soldier buried in a French cemetery. Upon adopting…

Together as one – Tuskegee Airman demonstrates benefit of working together as a nation


By Jeremy P. Amick At only 19 years of age, James Shipley had little life experience to his credit when he made the decision to…

Drones are new? They were used in WWII!

Ian Harvey

While there is much talk about the use of drones by today’s military, this is generally referred to as a completely new innovation; it is…

Oradour-sur-Glane Massacre Investigated Further

Ian Harvey

In 1944, Oradour-sur-Glane was the site of a major massacre. Werner Christukat was a member of the Nazi SS at the time, and his involvement…

RAF Parachute Battalion Mutiny of 1946 in Malaya

Photo story (Clockwise from top left): (1) The Royal Air Force police interrogating a Korean prison camp guard in Malaya during 1945-46 (2) British Army…

Sherman M4A4 Restoration Part 13: Finishing off

Jack Beckett

The finishing touches are of course all the stowage, markings and such. I enjoy making the vehicle as complete as possible and the challenge of…

WWII Love Letter Opened after 70 Years!

A mysterious WWII love letter which remained unopened for the past seven decades was finally unlocked Thursday, March 3, and revealed the the love of…

Found WWII Silver Planned for Mint

Ian Harvey
WWII silver

Nearly 3000 bars of silver were believed lost in WWII after a horrific attack by the Germans brought down their transport ship, the SS Gairsoppa.…

Sherman M4A4 Restoration Part 12: The Turret

Jack Beckett

Next thing to do is the turret. As with most restorations, the first thing to do is dismantle it. As previously mentioned, the breech ring…

COCKLESHELL RAID – Review by Phil Hodges

Phil Hodges

Ask anyone about Operation Frankton and they’ll most probably look at you blankly. However, ak anyone about The Cockleshell Heroes and they’ll get mildly excited…