WWII | War History

Article: 6th Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment and the Tetrarch by Peter Brown

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6th Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment and the Tetrarch by Peter Brown Flying tanks onto the battlefield is not something which has happened every day though…

World War II movie ‘Unbroken’ is all set to be directed by Angelina Jolie in Australia

Photo story (Clockwise from top left): (1) Angelina Jolie in Sydney with her children scouting locations for ‘Unbroken’ (2) Louis Zamperini in recent time (3)…

New F-35 built in honor of WWII P-38 pilots


Officials of Lockheed Martin unveiled their newly assembled F-35 Lightning II  at Fort Worth October 4 this year to honor the World War II veterans…

ARTICLE: The Battle of Moerbrugge – Part 2

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Moerbrugge: Prelude to Battle.  On September 5th 1944, the 1st Polish Armoured Division occupied St Omer. The refreshed 4th Canadian Armoured Division resumed its advance…

ARTICLE: The First in a Series of WWII Medal Identification by Scott Addington

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Campaign Awards for the Second World War (1939-1945) General service within the British and Commonwealth armed forces during the Second World War was rewarded by…

Nazi Party Demonized the Buddhist Symbol for Universal Harmony

The swastika was not first used by the Nazis. In fact, the swastika is actually a Buddhist symbol originally meant to represent universal harmony. To…

Douglas Scott: WWII Vet Joker Keeps Mum about D-Day Memories

Heziel Pitogo

Douglas Scott had always been a merry soul, joking around with that visible merry glint in his eyes. he even admitted that maybe one reason…

In Memory of Joseph “Joe” Gomer, Minnesota’s Last Tuskegee Airman (1920-2013)

Heziel Pitogo

Duluth, Minnesota – Joseph Philip Gomer, Minnesota’s last surviving Tuskegee Airman already passed away at the ripe age of 93. He died last October 10…

From WWII Orchestra to Becoming a Local Musical: “Sad Sacks” in the Eyes of a WWII Veteran

Arthur J. Leeming was a skinny youth when World War II broke out. being a ‘heavyweight’, not in body but in will, he signed up…

90 Year Old WWII Veteran Runs Coast to Coast in Order to Sail the LST 325 Back to Normandy

If you have nothing to do and you’re looking to be a part of history, you can join in on a coast to coast run.…

R.I.P Fido: Britain’s Family Pets are WWII’s Unknown Victims

Humans weren’t the only victims that perished by the hands of the German Nazis. Nearly 750,00 British pets were systematically killed. This is not something…

Denmark Commemorates 70th Anniversary of Danish Jews Rescue – 7300 Jews were saved by smuggling them to Sweden

Robert Manto

A ceremony has been held in Denmark to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the massive rescue of 7,300 Jews during the World War II. The…