The Most Feared Warriors In Military History

Photo Credit: 1. Imagno / Getty Images 2. SSPL / Getty Images
Photo Credit: 1. Imagno / Getty Images 2. SSPL / Getty Images

Wars have been fought for various reasons over history, with individuals from all walks of life fighting for their own causes. Some fighters have been more fearsome than others, giving themselves an edge with the fear they struck into their enemies’ hearts. The following is a list of the most feared warriors, fighters and tribes in history.


Painting of Alaric I entering Athens on horseback
Photo Credit: Allan Stewart / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

For a time, the Visigoths were a Germanic people aligned with the Roman Army. The ancient empire was left in shambles after Emperor Theodosius I’s death in 395 AD, causing his Army to disintegrate not long after. Alaric I was the most fearsome of the Visigoths, and he felt the Romans hadn’t paid him the proper respect for his prowess on the battlefield. He subsequently made a bid for the throne, putting at odds with generals in the east and west.

The Goths spent years plundering, before setting their sights on Italy. In 408, Alaric I and 30,000 Visigoths marched on Rome, eventually forcing the city to pay a ransom of gold, silver, silken tunics, scarlet-dyed hides and pepper. Two years later, they, again, attacked Rome, sacking the famed city. This time, no one was spared, as the fearsome warriors razed the entire area. The event is even said to have played a major role in the fall of the Roman Empire.

Alaric, however, wasn’t around to enjoy his triumph for long, as he died within the year.


Painting of Comanche warriors on horseback
Photo Credit: George Catlin / Heritage Art / Heritage Images / Getty Images

The Comanche had an ambiguous relationship with European settlers at first. While some Native American groups were willing to trade with the newcomers, others raided settlements for supplies and other goods. The Comanche weren’t all that bothered by them; they were more concerned with expanding their territory.

The Comanche were known for their proficiency on horseback, which made them incredibly difficult to defeat, and they came out victorious against the Spanish, American and Mexican armies in their attempt to expand their land. Eventually, the Americans pulled out all of the stops and entered into full-scale war. American Civil War hero William Tecumseh Sherman brought an entire force into the area in 1875 and was able to end the Comanche threat.


Gurkhas marching together in uniform
Photo Credit: Afro American Newspapers / Gado / Getty Images

The Royal Gurkha Rifles (RGR) were established in 1994 as part the British Army, when four regiments – 2 GR, 6GR, 7 GR and 10 GR – merged. These fearsome warriors are recruited from Nepal, despite the country being neither a part of the Commonwealth nor a dependent territory of the United Kingdom. They’re considered to be the finest fighters in the world for their weapons, skill and intelligence.

While the Royal Gurkha Rifles are a newer fighting force, Gurkhas have served with the British, Indian and Nepalese armies since the Anglo-Nepalese War of 1814-16. They date back further than that, to the 8th century, and they’re named for revered Hindu warrior, Guru Gorakhnath. The men who serve in this regiment today learn their skillsets from a young age, providing them with a lifetime framework that prepares them for battle.

When the British couldn’t contain the fighters, they recruited them, instead of attempting to subdue them. During World War II, Gurkhas would sneak into dugouts in the middle of the might and inspect soldiers’ boots to determine if they were Axis or Allied fighters. How? By examining how they tied their laces (or so the legend states).


Silver statue of Genghis Khan placed outside
Photo Credit: Gunter Fischer / Education Images / Universal Images Group / Getty Images

Genghis Khan is remembered as one of the fiercest warriors in history – and there’s a good reason for that.

During his life and in the years following his death, the Mongols amassed an enormous empire. They swept through Iran, Iraq, China and Kievan Rus (modern-day Russia), and those who refused to surrender were killed. It’s estimated they killed over 40 million people during their campaign.

It’s not precisely known how Khan died. Different causes have been given, including being killed in action (KIA), dying of illness or injury, or falling off his horse. Per tradition, he was buried in an unmarked grave close to his birthplace.


Portrait of three Samurai
Photo Credit: Kusakabe Kimbei / Hulton Archive / Getty Images

Samurai were the retainers of Japan’s great feudal landholders. They were respected throughout the country and proved their mettle repeatedly. In the 13th century, they held off two invasions from the Mongols. The same group had already conquered China, Iran, Iraq and Kievan Rus, as previously mentioned.

Samurai remained an integral part of Japanese culture for the next 600 years. In 1877, the Battle of Shiroyama occurred as part of the Satsuma Rebellion. Saigō Takamori led 500 Samurai against 300,000 Imperial troops, led by Yamagata Aritomo. The former fell in battle in a heroic last stand, with the latter suffering just 30 casualties.

While their importance in Japan waned as it became modernized, swordsmen like Takamori are still remembered and revered.


Drawing of three Akali-Nihang warriors
Photo Credit: Nemissimo / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

The Akali-Nihang are Sikh warriors who first appeared on the Indian subcontinent. Soldiers in the outfit, whose origin is still not fully known, always carry a katar (dagger), wear blue and, when in full gear, carried one or two swords. Historic versions of these fearsome warriors were famous for their ability to fight much larger armies and still emerge victorious.

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The most famed of the Akali-Nihang was Baba Deep Singh, who spent much of his life fighting the Afghans. He was beheaded (some sources say nearly beheaded) in battle in 1757, and his death inspired the Sikhs and the Akali-Nihang, who successfully drove out the Afghans. The spot where he died is now a shrine, and Sikhs regularly pay their respects there.

Todd Neikirk

Todd Neikirk is a New Jersey-based politics, entertainment and history writer. His work has been featured in,, and He enjoys sports, politics, comic books, and anything that has to do with history.

When he is not sitting in front of a laptop, Todd enjoys soaking up everything the Jersey Shore has to offer with his wife, two sons and American Foxhound, Wally.