Comedy-Drama Harks Back To An Earlier Time, Telling The Story Of Morale-Boosting WW2 Movies

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Women can easily relate to this: not getting the same wage as a man and being belittled indirectly.

This is the subject of the movie Their Finest, a drama-comedy about filmmakers hired to make films for the British Ministry of Information during World War II.

The film tells the story of portrays Catrin Cole, a screenwriter hired to bring a female viewpoint to war films.

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The film illustrates how she has to tolerate a lower salary than men and must resist pressure in her screenplays to water down female characters.

Filmmaker Lone Scherfig said she never felt it was predominantly a feminist film. The film is a story about a woman discovering what she can do and earn respect for it, that’s the main plot, but the entire parcel is about the film and London. That’s what gives the film complexity and depth, BBC News reported.

Producer Stephen Woolley said he was passionate crafting a film that for the time period was significant. When films were made in the 1940s life and death were at stake. They didn’t know if the next day there’d be actors or a film set.

They appear a bit silly now, but those films were vital. Thirty million people went to the movies every week.

Ian Harvey:
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