120 unexploded WW1 shells found during home improvement in France

Munition workers painting shells at a shell factory, during the WWI.

Finding not one but 120 unexploded bombshells brought a home improvement job to a quick halt recently in Beuvry, France in the Pas-de-Calais area.

Bomb disposal experts went to neutralize the WWI explosives.

The head of the area regional disposal unit said that they were initially called after ‘some’ ordnance had been found. Experts with metal detectors discovered there was considerably more.

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He added it wasn’t common to find so many shells concentrated in one location. They will be destroyed at a military facility.

Previously undiscovered shells from the war suddenly exploded in December 2015 in a field in Sailly-en-Ostrevent (Pas-de-Calais). Fortunately, there were no injuries, The Connexion reported.

Beuvry has been awarded the French Croix de Guerre twice. The cross, customarily awarded to soldiers for outstanding valor, was given to the town following the First and Second World Wars.

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