Veteran Of Second World War And Korean War Receives Belgian Award

Ernest Maynard joined the army 74 years ago with no expectations of receiving anything back.

On Monday, wearing the same uniform he wore 74 years ago, he received the Belgian Fourragère for his service with the 92nd Armored Field Artillery Battalion with the 2nd US Armored Division.

Instead of wanting something in return, Maynard was inspired by his father to give his time volunteering to help others.

Maynard was speaking of his life in general as well as his time in the military when he said, “I never expected anything and never wanted anything.”

Witnessed by dozens of veterans, members of the military and dozens of residents of Enfield, Connecticut, Maynard was presented with the honor by Department of Veterans Affairs Commissioner Sean Connolly and US Representative Joe Courtney.

Connolly was impressed with his meeting with Maynard and his devotion to volunteering without expecting anything in return. Just serving. “That’s what the Greatest Generation is about,” Connolly said.

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Maynard served in both WWII and the Korean War.

Courtney said that Enfield was lucky to have Maynard, and that the US was lucky to have him, too.

Maynard has received the European African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Army of Occupation Medal, American Campaign Medal, World War II Victory Medal, and the Korean Service Medal with three bronze stars.

Service is still a big part of Maynard’s life. He visits all the nursing homes in town every Veterans Day, Hartford Courant reported.

His son, Marty Maynard, said that his father doesn’t want people to forget and his father doesn’t want to forget either.

Ian Harvey:
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