Win A TIGER 131 Workshop Experience – Get Up Close And Personal With This Awesome WW2 Tank

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Are you a Tiger 131 fan? Want to get closer to this vehicle than ever before? Then this is the experience for you.


You will be given an insight into the preparation involved in getting Tiger 131 ready for its appearance at next years Tiger Day. The experience includes a ride in Tiger 131 and assisting in the health check required to get this vehicle up and running. This is your chance to get up close and personal with the Tiger!

Raffle tickets are just £5 for the chance to win this incredible experience.

There will be an ebay auction to win a place at a later date.

King George VI inspects Tiger 131, Tunis June 1943. The badge of the British First Army has been painted onto the tank.
Date: Wednesday 26th April 2017
Location: Museum (Tank Story Hall) & Workshops
Time: Arrival at 8.30am – Full day experience, expect to be finished around 4.00pm.
Age & Height Limit: Must be 17 or over, and at least 1.4m (4.6ft) tall
Please note this experience is hands on – expect to get dirty! Coveralls will be provided, though please wear suitable clothing underneath and steel toe cap shoes. The Tank Museum will provide coveralls and Personal Protective Equipment.
8.30am – Tea / Coffee in the Museum Restaurant meet Workshop Manager & Tiger Tank Team. Health and Safety Brief.
9.00am – Head to Tiger 131 in Tank Story Hall, Workshop Manager gives a short talk on the vehicle.
9.30am – Commence pre start safety checks:
Includes installing batteries, lifting engine decks, checking oil levels, turning the engine over using the inertia starter, checking fuel levels, etc.
11.00am – Start the engine, more checks, warm up period, Tiger drives to workshop, your chance to ride in the vehicle.
12.00pm – Lunch in Museum Restaurant with Tiger Tank Team.
1.00pm – Return to the workshop, tour of workshop.
1.30pm – Commence short service.
Includes cleaning oil spill, drivers compartment, clean turret floor, general grease to manual, check final drive levels, check all track pins, clean outer hull etc.
3.00pm – Tea and cakes with workshop staff.
3.30pm – Look at history of Tiger 131 photos in Workshop Manager’s office followed by any questions.
4.00pm – Free time to look around museum and visit the Tank Museum shop.
*subject to change
The damage that immobilized the turret on Tiger 131.
Health & Safety
Person must be over 17 years of age.
At least 1.4m (4ft 6’’).
Must be able to climb on vehicles unaided.
Fit and able to enter the vehicle through a cramped hatchway.
Has no allergy to oil, grease, fuel vapour, antifreeze odour.
Is not afraid of heights (a lot of standing on the vehicle).
This experience is not suitable for people who are claustrophobic.
No cameras allowed on or inside the vehicle. Any photos taken on the day are for personal use only.
No spectators.
All proceeds will go to The Tank Museum’s Endowment Fund.
Raffle Terms and Conditions
Online ticket sales will close a midnight on 6th December. Winner must be available on 26th April 2016 to claim their prize from The Tank Museum. Travel to the Museum will be at the winners’ expense. This date is not transferable. Prizes are only transferable at the discretion of The Tank Museum. Health and Safety conditions as listed above. The Tiger ride is subject to mechanical reliability and operational availability. The Tank Museum reserves the right to change or modify the itinerary as circumstances and conditions dictate without prior notice. Height restriction: the winner must be over 1.4m. By entering the draw, you are consenting to receive communications from The Tank Museum. Standard terms and conditions apply. 
Promoted by Richard Smith, The Tank Museum, Bovington, Dorset, BH20 6JG. Registered with Purbeck District Council in accordance with the Gambling Act 2005.

A message from the Tank Museum:

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