British Soldiers In Trouble – Royal Artillery Stuck In Soft Mud During Beach Landing (Watch)

These Soldiers from 40 Regiment Royal Artillery do not have the best day of their lives, coming in nice and cool on their assault landing boat they chose the worst spot possible to jump off and try and cross the beach.

What they missed was that just behind the firm sand where the boat hit the beach was a bit of liquid mud and, as everybody knows, you cannot cross liquid mud because you will sink in.

And the more you move, the further down you will sink.

Unfortunately for them, this does not happen somewhere at a remote training location, they landed in the Iraqi town of Um Qasr shortly after hostilities ended in 2003.

A squaddie on firm ground filmed it all and who later shared it with the rest of the armed forces.

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With all shreds of dignity gone it seems to go worse when they inflate their life jackets by accident making things even more comic. Then all there is left for them to do is to wait helplessly for their mates to come and pull them out of the mud.

We are pretty sure that their CO gave them a hard time that evening and that cleaning their rifles was quite a task!

Unsurprisingly this video has had millions of views on Youtube since it was first uploaded back in 2003, the Chumbawumba song Tub Thumping makes it even funnier to watch.

As for the 40th Regiment Royal Artillery, it has since disbanded. In July 2011 the regiment that once had 18 L118 Light Guns guns and fought in famous battles in the Falklands, Gulf War, Iraq, and Afganistan, ceased to exist.

Joris Nieuwint: Joris Nieuwint is a battlefield guide for the Operation Market Garden area. His primary focus is on the Allied operations from September 17th, 1944 onwards. Having lived in the Market Garden area for 25 years, he has been studying the events for nearly as long. He has a deep understanding of the history and a passion for sharing the stories of the men who are no longer with us.
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