World War 2 | War History

Dam Busters – Destroying Nazi Dams with’Bouncing Bombs’

Waqas Ali

When tensions begin to rise in Europe and Germany began its fast paced rearmament program, the British Air Ministry started to survey the country for…

Black Sheep One: The U.S. Marine Corps Ace Credited with the Highest Number of Kills In WWII – Gregory “Pappy” Boyington

There are some heroes in war who become legends. They face the brutality of the conflict head on, unflinching in the face of adversity. A few of these remarkable figures…

He Gave His All To Save Jews From The Holcaust – So Why Did History Forget a Savior Hero Like Hendrik Drogt?

In 1943, Grijpskerk was a sleepy,  Dutch countryside village of few inhabitants. There was one synagogue, built in 1879, that served only seven Jews –…

The wounded Arkansas NFL Legend who saved his Battalion’s Position

Jeff Edwards

The world of sports is often said to serve as but a shadow or reflection of war.  There are physical rigors, stressful scenarios, and often…

The Deadliest Sniper in History, Simo Häyhä – The White Death

There have been many great snipers in history and who can take the title of the greatest is a topic of debate. However, if you…

The Axis Powers: How A Handful Of Individuals Changed The World

The Second World War was a transformative event in global history. More than a hundred million soldiers took part in the hostilities. Sixty to eighty…

The Battle of Monte Cassino and the Breaking of the Gustav Line

Colin Fraser

The main fixture of these nearly insurmountable defenses that General Sir Harold Alexander, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Armies in Italy threw the bulk of his…

3 Top Japanese Fighter Aces

David Herold

While the Allies and the Axis powers all had their own strong aircraft support, the pilots sitting behind their control panels had skill and expertise…

Fought Japanese in China When 15, Then Franco in Spain and In WWII Europe, Killed 6 Germans and Took 2 POW During a Heroic Charge, Awarded MoH in 1997

Jeff Edwards

One look at the life of Medal of Honor recipient Edward Allen Carter and it doesn’t take you long to realize that this was a…

P.1000 Ratte – Paper tiger or supertank?

As the beginning of the war swept over Europe, with lightening speed. Hitler felt invincible throughout the first two years of the war. He was…

Four Surprisingly Deadly Battles of the 20th Century

The books of history are filled with stories of wars. History speaks itself for the fact that we have failed at avoiding wars from ancient…

8 Things You Need to Know About the 1940 Rotterdam Terror Bombing

The Battle of Rotterdam began May 10th, 1940, and ended with the bombings on Rotterdam May 14th, 1940. German forces saw the Netherlands as an opportune…